Chapter 1: meeting Aveline

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Aveline's pov:
I puffed out a sigh, when I heard that oh so familiar, yet annoying beeping. "That bloody alarm clock will be the end of me" I mumbled to myself. I relentlessly sat up and flung my feet over the side of my bed and reached over and turned the damn thing off. "Another day of hell" I sighed. And by "hell", you all guessed it, I meant school. The only six letter word in the human vocabulary that could make any teenager shiver in distaste. I got up and done my normal routine. Which consisted of me getting up, making my bed, having a quick 5 minute shower, chucking clothes on, hair and makeup, shoving a piece of toast into my mouth before reaching for my keys and making my way to school. Yes it sounds very boring doesn't it? Well believe me it is and I would much rather be sleeping then making the tedious trip to school. Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself. Where's my manners. I'm Aveline waters. I know what you're thinking, who would name their child Aveline? It's not one of those names you can find on one of those stupid tourist key chains. I know it isn't. Trust me I've looked and, you guessed it, I was unsuccessful. Anyway, I live in Australia, Melbourne to be exact, and no we do not ride kangaroos to school. We aren't mentally impaired and frankly kangaroos scare me. I live in a spacious but not massive apartment and I'm in my senior year at school. Speaking of school here it is. I pulled into the senior parking lot and parked in the exact same spot I park in everyday. I got out and swung my bag strap on my shoulder and started to begin my journey to my locker. No I'm not one of those stuck up bitches who think they own the school. I don't belong to any clique, I guess you could call me a free spirit, but I do have one friend who I spend every second of the school day with and that is my best friend Neve. Neve is you're typical hottie. She is tall and curvaceous, big blue eyes with a killer tan, shoulder length blond hair and a big bust. And then you have me. A five foot tall girl with emerald green eyes, waist length, curly, black hair, not white but not tanned at the same time, I'd think I'm classed as olive, I was fairly skinny and had a good rack on me but I couldn't flaunt it quite like Neve could. I guess you could say I was jealous of how elegant she was. But that didn't matter. She was still my best friend. As if on cue, I hear the sweet sound of her voice calling out my name. I turned around and started trenching down the school hall, bag still attached to me, seeing as I didn't make it to my locker yet. "Aveline" Neve exclaimed while squeezing me in one of her bone crushing hugs. "Neve you're looking cute as ever" I said to her. Neve blushes at my complement and takes my hand while dragging me to our lockers. " so are you exited for today" Neve smiled. A confused look spread across my face and it was evident that Neve had noticed. "Please tell me you didn't forget" Neve said. "It's not your birthday is it" I exclaimed with a panic look etched on my face. Neve suddenly started laughing, "No silly. It's the day of the immortals" she boasted as she caught her breath. Oh no I totally forgot. The day of the immortals is the day vampires (yes they are real) meet to find their 'mates' I know pretty stupid if you ask me. "Neve please tell me you're not gonna let one of those vial creatures take you" I panicked. "Oh Aveline you're adorable. They aren't vial, quite beautiful actually, but I'm not going to go out of my way looking for one" Neve said. I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding " Neve, darling, look at you! You're going to be attracting hundreds of those mosquitoes" I stated sadly. I didn't want to lose my only best friend. She was irreplaceable. " don't worry Avie, I'll be fine, I'm not really looking for a committed relationship anyways. There's always next year" she smiled. Even though no human has ever been chosen I was still nervous. Most vampires mated with other vampires and some didn't mate at all. I nodded in agreement as we made our way to our first class. History. We made our way to our seats and set up for the next hour. "Today is the day some of us might find the love of our life's" ms Henry exclaimed. You could see the hope and longing in her eyes yet I snorted with disgust. Ms Henry's eyes shot a glare at me and continued with her lecture or whatever, I wasn't exactly listening. After six long hours of school I could go home. Finally the day is over. I planned on going home and watching TV and stuffing my face with pizza while everyone went out trying to find their blood thirsty loves. The idea was absolutely revolting. I don't see how people could be that docile. We are just blood bags to vampires and thats all we will ever be. I walked through my apartment door and stripped from my clothes while plopping on my bed and sighing. "This is gonna be a long night" I whispered to myself.

I was sprawled out on my lounge flipping through the TV channels when I heard a low grumble. I looked down at my stomach and sighed. Checking the clock hanging from the wall for the time. "9:34" I mumbled. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys and wallet. Yes I was leaving the safety of my home. But it's not like I was pretty right? I'm sure none of those vampires will want me. And I was starving. I locked my door and strutted over to the elevator. Pressing the down button numerous times impatiently. A ding flooded my ears as an indication the elevator was here. I hoped in and pressed the ground level. I went to my favourite pizza parlour. "Marios pizza and kebabs" I laughed to myself thinking of the super mario brothers and how I loved that game. As I was about to enter a low husky voice stopped me. "Excuse me miss?" I slowly turned around to find the most handsome guy I have ever seen in my entire life. Tall and muscular. Dark hair with these intense almost unnatural eyes, an electrifying blue with specs of gold through them, they were hypnotising. I was brought out of my trance when he suddenly spoke again "I couldn't help but notice a beautiful girl like you, I had to ask what your name was, if you don't mind me asking that is" he smiled. My heart melted at his smile. I blushed at his words and then blushed again as I looked down to what I was wearing. Just a cropped singlet booty shorts and converse for shoes. I was about to reply when the thought of what today was clicked in my mind. I was now terrified. How could I be so stupid. "I'm s-sorry. B-but i h-have to be l-leaving now" and tried to quickly turn and run for my car when I was suddenly swooped off my feet and shoved into his car. Anger bubbled in my veins "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" I shouted "you can't just abduct me like that, you don't own me" I shrieked. An amused look appeared on his face as he chuckled. "What's so funny you looney?!?" I groaned and mentally slapped myself for the poor attempt of what I called an "insult" "You're adorable" he stated. I could feel my face burning, probably a unattractive tomato colour, but I still persisted "let. Me. Out" I said with venom dripping from my voice. He chuckled again. "You're a little ball of fire aren't you darling"

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