Chapter 3: new surroundings

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Aveline's pov:
Everyone was silent. The only noise you could hear was Marshall's belt coming into contact with my bare back and the whimpers escaping my mouth. The pain was excruciating but I tried not to take notice of it. I dug my nails into my skin every time it hurt to much. I know that I didn't stop to think if she was a vampire. Which she probably was and she would of healed almost immediately. Unlike me, It would take weeks of pain to see even a little bit of progress and instead of admitting my wrongs I took the punishment, my pride getting in the way. After what felt like forever he stopped. Marshall helped me stand and asked the same question he asked the previous girls. "What's your name princess?" I stiffened "Aveline" I spat through gritted teeth. "Aveline. What an exquisite name for an exquisite girl" he cooed and continued "even though you're quite beautiful you're bravely stupid" I mentally gagged at the compliment but was slightly offended even though I knew he was completely right. I didn't want another beating. So I remained silent with a fake smile plastered on my face. I don't think I could take it. I returned to my place in line and expected a thank you from the girl who stood beside me but I didn't get one. Snotty bitch I thought. But was brought from my thoughts when I heard his voice again. "You will be escorted to your room by Simone" he said while gesturing at a tall, thin girl with long curly black hair, pale skin and vibrant violet eyes. "Great another vampire" I mumbled to myself. We all followed Simone up the marble driveway staring at the castle situated at the top of the hill. It was amazing. It literally looked like one of those mid evil castles you see princess locked up within in fairy tales. This slightly scared me. We walked through the large cappuccino wooden doors and my breath was taken away. It was simply stunning. There was a grand staircase that went up on both sides to the next level in front of me. A quite large golden chandelier encrusted with diamonds and Ruby's hanging in the centre of the foyer. With jewels that big I bet one could feed a family in need for the rest of their lives I thought. Simone showed us to our rooms. One room each all on the same level. I hate to say this but my room was gorgeous. The theme was white and gold. I on the other hand was expecting red. There was a queen size bed to the right of the room, a large bathroom, a walk in wardrobe, a window seat and a balcony with the most beautiful view. Everything about this castle was magnificent. And I hated it. I closed the curtains and laid down on the bed, well I tried to, as pain shot up the length of my back. I was confused and scared. I just wanted to go home. I started to cry and sobbed until I fell into a peaceful sleep.

I was awoken by a shove well several shoves to be correct. It was the girl that I saved yesterday, which I believe her name was Ame, if I remember correctly that is. "What do you want" I mumbled. "Get up quickly and get dressed. We have to go meet with Marshall" she whispered. I groaned and got up. I grabbed the outfit from her hands and went and got changed. I was still unsure to if she was actually human or not. I came outside my room to see all the girls dressed up with makeup on and their hair done. While I just chucked my hair in a bun and went all natural while wearing loose, knee length, white dress Ame gave me. Simone appeared around the corner. A sweet smile on her face like always. If I didn't know her and saw her on the street I would never had guessed she was a vampire. "You all look so beautiful" she gushed. "Thank you" I said in a quite voice. I was the only one too. Simone smiled at me. "Come on girls this way" she led us down stairs into a huge giant dining room where all breakfast foods were neatly passed on a long glass table with a very classy arrangement set up. At the end sat a very dashing Marshall greeting all the girls with compliments and pecks on the cheek. But not me I just remained still and kept my eye contact away from his view. I glanced up at him taking in his features properly. Those mystic eyes that would change colour, this brunette hair always styled to perfection, his bulging biceps. I can see that's not the only bulge that's clearly visible to the naked eye. Omg Aveline stop thinking like that. You. Hate. Him I thought. And sat down next to Charlotte while glancing at Marshall every few seconds.

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