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Rrahul Sudhir as Vansh Rai Sighania & Adhil Arsalan Ibrahim ; Helly Shah as Ridhima/ Nadya Adhil Ibrahim ; Mansi Srivastav as Ahana

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Rrahul Sudhir as Vansh Rai Sighania & Adhil Arsalan Ibrahim ; Helly Shah as Ridhima/ Nadya Adhil Ibrahim ; Mansi Srivastav as Ahana

Please watch Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 before reading the story. The story starts after Vansh introducing Ahana as his wife. The scene starts from day of Makarsankratni

"Vansh you cant do this to me" Ridhima cried in front of him but Vansh was standing like an emotionless statue. Ishani dragged Ridhima & threw her out of the house. All them watched this scene & didnt even say anything. Ridhima had enough, she slapped Ishani shocking everyone.

 Vansh saw this & was going to slap Ridhima but she stopped him "Dont you dare Mr. Rai Singhania, dare you slap me" her eyes showed fire The pain which he gave her was unbearable, he took her identity which was very precious for her. "You have proved that you are a heartless man. You never loved me Vansh never, not only you even Dadi didnt love me otherwise she would have stopped you yesterday itself. She only cared about you only you, your happiness, your worries what about me huh. I did everything to protect this family in your absence. But your family dont deserve me. I know & I accept that I came here as a spy but I never harmed you physically infact I always protected you & even took bullet for you, in exchange what you did to me hu YOU BLOODY TRIED TO KILL ME. You wanted me to leave right am leaving. I am leaving you & this family forever. Congratulations Mr. Rai Singhania" Ridhima spat & left with her bag. 

Vansh left for his room & collapsed on the floor crying "AAAAAAAAAAAA Ridhimaaaaaa" he cried his lungs loud. He caressed her pictures & laid down crying. Next morning Ahana came to his room & sat beside him. "Vansh" she woke him up. "Let me sleep Ridhima" he replied in sleep, Ahana fumed in anger "Its Ahana not Ridhima " hearing this Vansh jerked her & woke up "How dare you to come into my room" he shouted at her "Am your wife" she was cut by him "A fake wife now get out otherwise I will do something which you will not like" he caressed his gun which he took out from his pocket. Ahana got scared & left the room.

After 5 years

"Angre did Sia call?" Vansh asked Angre, "No Brother she didnt call. Through sources I got to know that she is getting married" Angre informed. Vansh smiled sadly "She didnt even inform me. Its my fault Angre that I am suffering now." 

They both left for the mansion & were greeted by a 6 year old girl "Dadda , Uncle" she came running towards them. Angre picked her up "Why are you running Arushi"  she just showed her tongue. Ishani came towards them "You both are late". Vansh just ignored her "Bhai still you are ignoring me becaz of that cheap girl" she spat "Ishani dare you" Vansh shouted at her "Whats wrong she saying Mr. Rai Singhania" a voice from entrance came. 

"Sia" Vansh & Ishani ran towards her to hug her but she showed her hand indicating to stop. "I dont want your hugs & all. I just came to invite you all for my wedding. Though you did wrong still I was born here & was raised here so just came to invite you all. Here is the invitation. Totally depends on you to come or not" she gave the invitation "But Sia" Ahana was going to stop but Sia ignored & left the place. They stared her like a statue "Is this our Sia, she have changed a lot" Ishani told having tears. Dadi just opened the invitation card & saw the name "We cordially invite you for the wedding of the wedding of  Sia  Rai Singhania with Azaan Badr Ibrahim on 12 April" she read the card. "Its a cruise wedding Vansh" she informed him "Pack your bags we will go" Vansh announced.

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