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Double update because I can.

Hyunjin got there immediately after lunch, a smile o his face and Seungmin's black hoodie on, a backpack with everything he needed later to get ready for the party and some of their favorite snacks.

He rang the bell and, once again, Seungmin's mother looked at him, her eyes a bit softened.

"Hi, HyunJin. Seungmin is having a bath, come in."

He nervously sat on the couch, eyeing her as she worked on something on the dining table.

Hyunjin felt his heart ache as he remembered how he and her son used to draw there, on that exact same table. They would come up with a theme and then ask his mom to lend them her phone so they could use the chronometer ( not my phone suggesting the Chronossaurus you have good taste auto correct ) and then ask her to evaluate the prettiest one. She would cook them cakes and pizza, let them play all day or study together when they got older. She was the one who taught him to ride a bike, and to bake pancakes.

Hyunjin bit his lip and got up, walking over the the woman and sitting down next to her, catching her atention.

"I... I'm really sorry, for everything.", he started, not daring to look at her, but feeling the need to get it of his chest. "I was a terrible person, I let my own problems get in the way of our friendship and I managed to hurt the person I cared about the most." He gulped. "We managed to find each other again in the middle by accident, but I'm not willing to let this opportunity go, I can't let Seungmin go again."

He finally looked up as the woman reached for his hand, a soft smile on her face.

"I hated you for making him cry, for making him suffer, but for what I see you are really regretting it.", only then Hyunjin realized there were tears falling down his face again. "I forgive you, Hyunjin. I haven't seen Seungmin this happy in too long."

"Y-you do? Happy?"

She smiled and stroked his hand.

"Last time you cried this much you fell off the balcony.", the taller burst into laughter as he remembered the occasion."It's not funny I almost had a heart attack. But yes, happy. Seungmin is happy when he's with you. The only think I ask for, is that you don't hurt him, even when he starts... you know, dating or admits... something.", she looked around, as if trying to contain herself from saying anything.

Hyunjin chuckled.

"I know he likes boys, Mrs. Kim."

"You do?", her eyes widened. "Is he out?"

He shrugged.

"I don't know if he is out, but I know he likes boys and I will never again let that make me ruin a relationship with someone. I almost lost my high school best friend because of that."

She nodded in understanding and smile at the stair, Seungmin coming down with his hair still wet and a simple t shirt and shorts.

"Seungmin, it's winter, go and put on a hoodie."

The boy rolled his eyes and let his gaze fall on Hyunjin's hoodie, smiling.

"Come on, let's go to my room!"

"I'll call you for dinner then, guys. What time is the party?"

"We'll be there at 21:00"

His mother nodded.

"Alright, around 20:00 I'll call you."


They had been watching movies and cuddling for hours now, the night falling outside. Hyunjin had wanted to taste Seungmin's lips for too long now, but the younger didn't make a move so neither did he.

"We should start getting ready or we'll go to the party dressed like this."

Hyunjin nodded and got up, streching and whining, lazy as hell.

Seungmin went to the bathroom to wash his face and do his make up while Hyunjin got his clothes of his backpack and got dressed. Black, ripped jeans, a Binnie that he would only put on after they left the house, a simple white shirt with a logo of some random band tucked in the jeans and a black jacket above it, some chains falling from it.

He entered the bathroom to see Seungmin putting some lipstick on. He stared at the lips through the mirror, his mouth slightly opened as the younger popped his lips to spread the transparent but slightly shiny lipstick. Seungmin caught him and smirked, moving back to the room.

"You're too obvious, Hyunjin."

The taller followed him, his mouth dry.

"What if I am?"

Seungmin turned to him, not expect that answer. Hyunjin walked over and cupped his face, staring down at his lips.

Seungmin's hands tugged his jacket, his eyes wandering through the older's bare face.

Holly shit.

Hyunjin bit his own lip and leaned in, not getting to far since Seungmin's mom opened the door at that exact moment. The boys jumped away from eachother.

She stared at them for a while, eyebrows furrowed.

"Dinner is ready. Come when you're all dressed.", she looked at her son up and down. "Because you're not leaving the house in that, that's for sure."

Seungmin rolled his eyes and she left.

"Come on, we'll be late."

Hyunjin nodded, but kept staring at his lips until the younger snapped his fingers in front of his face.

"Earth to Hyunjin."

He shook his head aggressively

"Right. Sorry."

Well, shit is going to get heavy again :)

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