Chapter 2

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A/N for this chapter: still no smut on this one, you guys - but the next three will be pretty much pwp, so this is just me creating the little plot necessary to better enjoy the rest. That being said, this chapter is just the conversation between Sebastian and Chris that leads to the voyeurism (and subsequent affair), so if you want to skip, it's absolutely fine. In fact, if you're uncomfortable seeing Chris being manipulative and a lousy friend (or knowing Seb's thoughts and feelings considering this fic is about him being cheated on), perhaps it's best to ignore it

Chris' P.O.V.

I smiled as I saw Sebastian appear through the bar's door. "Hey, man!" I called out to him, who quickly made his way towards the table I had picked out for us tonight. Despite not feeling worried after he had texted asking to see me tonight, the look on his face definitely scared me.

"Dude, what's wrong?" My friend simply signaled for the same beer as me before finally taking a deep breath to answer.

"It's Y/N." I tried to ignore how those words made me feel. Ever since Sebastian had introduced me to his girlfriend, I had been having a hard time to keep her out of my head. It was particularly hard to be around her, whenever he brought her to parties or whatever. Not only did she have an incredibly tempting body, but her personality was equally intoxicating, and I loved talking to her whenever he brought her around. Despite being younger, she had a brilliant mind and the most wicked sense of humour.

It wasn't rare that I found myself envying Sebastian for having met her first.

"What's wrong?" I asked when the surprise finally started to wear down. "Did you guys break up?" It took a lot more effort than I expected to keep the excitement out of my tone.

"No. Well, not yet. To be completely honest, we almost did, actually." Sighing, he took a swig of his bottle before continuing. I figured he needed the courage. "She's... Ok, so you know how she's... younger than us?"

Nodding, I wordlessly signaled for him to continue, growing more interested in this subject by the second.

"Every time she tried to initiate... you know, sexual activities, I've found myself unable to... perform." I had to bite my lip not to laugh. Here I was, having to ignore a boner every time I so much as thought about my friend's girlfriend and he couldn't even get it up for her.

"Shit, man. I'm sorry to hear that. But is it only because of the age thing?" Sebastian nodded at my question.

"I mean, yeah. Obviously, I can see that she's attractive, but for whatever reason, I can't find myself being attracted to her. At least not when we try to initiate something. Everytime we touch I feel like a predator or whatever." I took a deep breath before asking my next question.

"So now, what? You're going to keep dating without having sex?" He just shrugged, a frown on his face.

"I'd be happy to, but Y/N is a 'very sexual person', as she likes to say. Despite the fact that I don't see her that way." A low chuckle escaped his chest, but it was clear to see that he felt low about the subject. "She thinks it's better for us to break up than to keep ourselves in a relationship that doesn't fulfill us."

I was once again impressed by the maturity of the woman. "Sorry, man, but I have to agree with her." My friend sighed, letting his head fall down on the table.

Seb's P.O.V.

"You think I don't know that? Shit, but I love her, man. I really do. I don't want to have to learn how to live without her." I still kept my head down as I confessed this, but I knew Chris had heard me. He didn't offer me any words of courage, though, so I ended up raising my gaze to look at him again.

At the sight of my eyes once more, he finally spoke. "Well, what are you going to do, then?" I shrugged, taking the opportunity to take another swig of my beer.

"I don't know. She offered me a lot of ideas, we're supposed to think about what we can do to change my way of viewing her, and then reconvene, but I'm literally flying blind over here."

Chris didn't speak for a bit, opting to drink a bit more before finally asking, "What kind of ideas?" Should it be weird to talk about this with my best friend in the middle of a crowded bar? I don't know, but I needed any help I could get, so this was happening.

"I don't know, anything, really? She offered to film a sex tape, we've already tried watching porn together, she tried giving me a lap dance... She even asked if seeing her being fucked by someone else wouldn't help it."

Chris tensed up at the suggestion and I silently appreciated his effort not to laugh.

"She... She offered to let someone else fuck her in front of you?" He didn't sound judgmental as he asked for clarification, so I didn't mind giving it to him.

"Yeah. She thinks maybe that will make me see her in a different way." For a second, Chris didn't say anything else. But then he asked something I wasn't anticipating.

"Well... will it?" Huh. I hadn't actually given it a lot of thought. I'd been more preoccupied with the possibility of losing her, but the truth was, I had to figure out what could be done so that wouldn't happen. And that was one of her suggestions.

"I mean... probably? I think it'd play with some aspect of jealousy and possession, while still being much sexier than simply watching porn or a homemade video together. I... I think I could see myself doing that, the only question is... who would we invite to do this?"

I played with the bottle in my hands as I pondered over the question, until Chris cleared his throat, calling my attention to him. "Well, let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Besides listening to you, of course." He didn't meet my eyes, and I could see that he was a bit uncomfortable. Maybe the subject of our conversation had finally dawned upon him. Or maybe...

Did he think I'd invite him? Was that why he was fidgety? He didn't want to have to tell me no? The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Chris was, in fact, the best option to do this with. To start off, he was the only person besides me and Y/N who knew about our situation. He was my best friend and he was good friends with her, and he'd never once done anything to make me feel jealous of her.

"Chris..." I called his attention. "Listen, bud... You can say no and I will not be angry or disappointed, really, but I have to ask. Would you consider doing this for us?" His eyes pierced mine in the dim light of the bar, and for a few seconds, he said nothing. I didn't interrupt the relative silence that'd fallen upon us either, wanting to give him the time to think.

Just when I was able to offer him the possibility of answering me some other day, he nodded, the beer bottle between his lips as he took a sip. "Sure, man. I can do this for you. And I think it's the best option, right? Definitely better than involving another person in your relationship. At least, you can trust me."

He was right. I trusted Chris, that's why I told him about what was going on in the first place. We made a toast to our undying friendship and I promised to text him after I'd spoken to Y/N, so we could figure out the details. That night, I went home extremely thankful for having a friend like Chris, and the hope that my relationship could be salvaged in the end.

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