Battle Lovers give Love to the Sakamaki Family

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Akoya's POV

Karlheinz Sakamaki, the vampire king maybe be evil but he is so hot! I blushed at him while he took me to his master bedroom. We got inside the bedroom and I looked around. It was so huge and luxurious! Wow, the Sakamaki's are the richest vampires that live in a nice beautiful mansion like that but it's creepy when it's dark.

Karlheinz: Here you go, my precious human.

Karlheinz smirked as he patted his bed for me to sit or lay down. My heart started pounding while he called me precious. I love it!

I sat on his comfortable king-size bed and he glanced at him. I think he's the most handsome vampire alive more handsome than his sons! Karlheinz got closer to me and my face turned red. Oh my gosh, I think he's about to touch me or maybe suck my blood! I don't care I want him to suck my blood and make him my fourth wife!

So he began to bite my neck and suck my blood. It hurts a bit but it felt so good. He can suck all my blood all he wants as long as he is mine. No one can have him but me! Sorry, Io Naruko but he's hotter than you! Karlheinz stopped and he grinned.

Karlheinz: Hmmm your blood is so sweet... you have more powerful and special blood just like Yui but it's tastier than ever.

Karlheinz said as he pulls me closer to him and he gave me a real deep kiss. Whoa baby! My face started to get more red but I calmed down a bit while kissing him back. He is such a good kisser!

Karlheinz: I want you to be my first human wife, you are very beautiful.

He said and I nodded fast. I never expect him to ask me to marry him and be his human wife but I am willing to.

Normal POV

Ayato sighs and sits down on the couch feeling bored and has nothing to do.

Ayato: I'm so bored! What is father even doing with that long pink hair female-looking guy?

Ryuu: I don't care but I hope he doesn't go near Io ever again!

Ryuu answered as he clings to Io while looking around in the house.

Io: I'm glad that he won't bother us again.

Io said as he sat down and took out his tablet. He starts doing invest on his tablet like usual. Kinshiro and Reiji are in the library area looking at books together. Kinshiro smiled at Reiji a bit while he checked on books.

Kinshiro: You have amazing books in here.

Kinshiro smiled at Reiji while he picked out one.

Reiji: Thank you.

Reiji smiled at Kinshiro while he pushes his glasses. He stared at his neck and licked his lip a bit. He thought to himself if his blood is going to be tastier. Atsushi looked at Reiji and Kinshiro through the door.

Atsushi: I hope Kin-chan doesn't get hurt by this vampire.

Atsushi thought to himself. He kept looking at them but mostly Kinshiro. Kinshiro reads one of Reiji's books. Reiji gets closer to him and smells him. Kinshiro looked at Reiji and felt shocked.

Kinshiro: Eh?! W-What are you d-doing Reiji?

Kinshiro felt startled. He asked as he was wondering why Reiji got too close to him.

Reiji smirks as he gets closer to his neck and sniffs him.

Reiji: You smell so sweet.

Reiji smirked as he gently bites his neck and sucks on his blood. Kinshiro felt hurt a bit but he let him do it because he grew interested in Reiji while he was still mad at Atsushi. Atsushi was shocked that Reiji sucks Kinshiro's blood so he rushed inside. He yelled as he runs to them.

Atsushi: NO! Stop your hurting him!

Reiji stopped and look at him as he held Kinshiro in his arms.

Reiji: Shut up human he's fine!

Kinshiro: It's okay Reiji he can join us. 

Reiji: Okay as long as he fights me...

Atsushi: Thanks Reiji. 

Atsushi nodded and bows as he joins Kinshiro and Reiji at the library. Atsushi and Kinshiro talk about their childhood friendship with Reiji. Reiji was impressed and nodded as he listens to their conversation. 

The other battle lovers are in the kitchen. Arima serves the other vampires their favorite food at the dining table.

Arima: Food is served.

Arima gives the plate of Takoyaki balls to Ayato and the plate of Macaroons to Laito. He also gives a plate of steak to Shuu. Ayato takes a bite of it and eats. Laito takes a bite of it and eats. Shuu cuts the steak into pieces and eats it. They liked his cooking now, better than Yui's cooking.

Ayato: This is so good! Thanks, Arima!

Laito: You are a good cook!

Shuu: This steak is delicious, thanks.

Arima smiled when they complimented his cooking.

Arima: Ah no problem guys. I'll make some more.

Akoya and Karlheinz are making out in the master bedroom. Reiji and Kinshiro are in the library getting to know more of each other.

After a few hours later, the humans and the vampires gather around the living room. Akoya stands up with Karlheinz and they held each other's hand. 

Akoya: Oh as you all know, Karlheinz and I are a couple. 

Others were shocked when Akoya told the news.

Karlheinz: This time it is real love, this is the only way for my sons to get along is that they need a mother. So my sons, please respect my future wife. 

Raito: Well... he is pretty hot and we both love macarons. 

Raito smirked at Akoya and Akoya blushed a bit.

Kanato: He's prettier than my birth momma! Right teddy?

Kanato smiled while he hugged his teddy. The Sakamaki brothers were thrilled to have Akoya in their father's life especially Subaru since he needs a real mother who supports him. 

Subaru: I hope you make me happy...

Akoya: Of course, I'll make you all happy. 

They all agreed on Karlheinz and Akoya's relationships with their sons. Then Yumoto stands up.

Yumoto: The rest of you let's forgive each other and bring some love in the house! 

They all agreed and the humans hugged the vampires. The defense club, conquest club, and the Beppu twins use their powers together and make the vampires feel love and happiness. Then the vampires and humans became one big family. The humans and the animals agreed to live in the vampire mansion so that the Sakamaki family will always feel less lonely and more loved. 

The End

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