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tw // mentions of death

It's been days since Win's death. Love and Khaotung flew to Bangkok the day after Bright arrived from Singapore. They visited the Opas-iamkajorn's residence together with Bright's friends, to mourn with Win’s family.
Meanwhile, Bright never came, he also didn't attend his burial. It's not that he didn't want to see Win, he just didn't want to witness him in that state.
Nobody dared to convince Bright to come out of his house, not even his Mom. They were all pushed away by him.
Win's illusion didn't show up after things got heated up between them. But, Bright never failed to wait for him every night even though there were no signs of him.
The doorbell rang and Bright checked who it was. Jeez, it's Love. She's persistent. She comes here everyday.
Bright opened the door lazily. “B-Bright.” Love stuttered as she lifted her head while talking to the chef, she couldn’t believe he finally opened the door when she came.
“Come inside.” Bright surrendered and let her in. This is the first time he let someone talk to him. Maybe Win didn't want to appear because he wanted me to have a talk with Love?
“How are you coping?” Love tried to read the room before talking about Win.
Bright let out a deep sigh. “Barely surviving.”
“You know we're always here, right?” I know, but I still feel alone. I still feel empty because Win is not here anymore.
“Thanks.. and I’m sorry for pushing you and everyone away.” He apologized, feeling guilty with what he did for the past few days.
“We understand. Take your time off as long as you want.”
Silence filled the room once again. Is this the right time to talk about Win? Love wondered.
“How.. did we end up as soulmates? Why didn’t he write my name on his wrist?” Love didn’t expect Bright to open the conversation about soulmates, but she kinda felt relieved that Bright feels alright now to talk about that topic.
“Win… he didn’t want to know who his soulmate is.. He’s scared to lose the thrill, so he let us check his wrist. At first, Khao and I felt giddy after seeing your name because we already expected it. However, when your future appeared.. we suddenly didn’t know how to react.”
Love remembered the moment when they first knew about the fate of the two. She never imagined that this is what it feels like when it happened.
“It was vague, but heartbreaking. We saw you.. standing in front of his grave. We didn’t see any possible reasons why you’re there or how he died. Bright, I just wanted to burst into tears during that moment.”

“He stopped us from telling him about what we saw. So, we let it pass until we can’t anymore. There was never a day where I can’t sleep peacefully, I’m always thinking about the two of you, about how clueless you are on what’s going to happen. Believe me, I wanted to tell you.. but it’s not our decision to make so we kept silent. I’m sorry, Bright.”

Love didn’t notice that she’s already crying. She just let her tears flow. Bright, on the other hand, is staring out of nowhere. His eyes were already tired so there were no tears left to cry anymore.

“Did he find out? About me? Or our future at least?” Bright plopped his head back on the couch.

“No.. but he knew what’s going to happen. He chose not to know about his soulmate’s name. He said that he’ll think of a way to change your future, after that, he’ll be ready to know the name. But that day.. didn’t come” Love weep loudly. Just like Bright, she still couldn’t accept that Win is gone.

“If only I knew.. damn, I could’ve helped him think of a way to stop this. God, Metawin.. why did you choose to keep everything on your own?” Bright punched the armrest of the sofa.

“Can you see his illusions up until now?”

“These past few days.. I don’t. Maybe because he was hurt, I called him selfish because he didn’t tell me that we’re soulmates. I didn’t mean it. I just wanted to save him but I was too clueless and late.” Love opened her bag and pulled out a small box.

“I’m sure you already know why you’re seeing illusions of him.. Well, there was one time where Win told me that if ever he dies, I should give this to his soulmate. This is his wish, I don’t know what’s inside. You should find out for yourself.” Bright accepted the small box and stared at it. How can a wish be inside of a box?

“I’m going now, Bright. I’m sorry, you just knew about everything now. I hope you stay strong, not just for Win but for yourself too. I know he’ll be watching you always.” Love stood up and bid him goodbye. Bright escorted her to the main door.

“Love.. uh, just to be clear.. I don’t have a grudge towards you and Khao. I know you hid it from me to respect Win. And, uh.. thanks for giving me this. If ever.. I see Win again, do you.. want to say something to him?”

As soon as Love heard about his suggestion, tears built up in her eyes.
“I just hope he’ll find happiness wherever he is right now. He doesn’t need to worry about us here, we’re going to be fine. About the company, I don’t know, maybe I’ll take over it if his sisters won’t. And I.. miss him so much” Her voice cracked as she uttered her message for her late friend.

Bright tapped her shoulder. “I’m sure he misses you too.”

Illusions of You | BrightWin Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now