chapter 6

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bailey was funny when drunk. when she was drunk she would say things she normally wouldn't. she didn't try to be super nice she just said whatever came to mind.

nate was angry when he was drunk. unless it was just him and bailey. when it was the two of them they would just laugh. both of them loved it.

they used to to do it pretty often. but things happen. nate is always in arguments with maddy so he parties it off and almost beats the fuck out of people being angry while drunk.

he doesn't really let bailey go to parties with him. she's invited to them all because of maddy and how close they are. but nate always tells her to stay home.

bailey is also really close with BB. well not really close but they're both close with maddy so they spend a lot of time with eachother. BB thinks bailey is the best thing ever and bailey thinks BB is hilarious. which she is. don't deny it.

nate doesn't want her and the parties cause he doesn't want her to see him be so crazy and act like a fucking animal. she doesn't care though. she usually goes anyways. and he just laughs when he sees her and realizes she showed up. sometimes he gets mad and tells her to leave. she never really listens. and she's the only one he doesn't try to hurt when she doesn't do what he wants. everyone else he has no issues with hurting if they don't obey him. but he wouldn't ever really lay a finger on bailey.

she can test him all she wants and he's not gonna do anything about it. but she doesn't really test that too much because she doesn't want that to change.

a few hours later they got to it
they played beer pong cause he knew that was bailey's favorite.
she beat everyone all the time except for nate
bailey was the definition of a light weight. that girl always got drunk so fast

one round of beer pong and she's already drunk.

nate always watched out for her when she was drunk and around other people. just to make sure no one took advantage of the fact that she couldn't control herself. but when it's just the two of them he lets her get as drunk as she wants cause he know she likes it and he knows she'll be safe with him.

it's her escape. so she can be happy and laugh and not be so nervous like normal. so he's not gonna take that away from her.

she threw the little ball into her he cup in front of nate

he drank it and threw the ball to her side and it landed in one of her cups.

she took it out,drank it and threw it at his face in a soft way though

it bounced off his forehead

"why are you beating meeee"
she slurred
he laughed
it took nate a while to get drunk
well not a while,just a little bit longer than bailey

he started to get a little drunk too
before they knew it she was laughing and slurring her words with a bunch of smiles

he was laughing with her and they were listening to music
she stumbled over to him
she talked his nose with her finger

" you"
she slurred in a sweet way
(by the way this is not her confessing she loves him or anything. she was just telling him she loves him as a friend like they always do)

"i love you more"
he said and laughed

she smiled and sat next to him on the bed

she laid there

"oh my god,i know what we should do"
"and what would that be bailey"
"we should go to the pool down the hall and which ever one of us can get someone to come back to the room first to hookup with us wins!"
she slurred at him like a crazy person

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