chapter 30

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maddy and bailey sat in maddy's room that night watching their favorite tv show.

"i'll be right back" bailey told maddy. she nodded her head. bailey walked into the bathroom and looked at herself. and saw bruises all over her neck. she stared at them and a few tears dropped from her pretty eyes.

maddy heard sniffling and walked into the bathroom. she saw her crying. bailey realized that she was in there and quickly wiped her tears. maddy walked towards her. "bailey boo it's okay" she hugged her. and bailey let a few more tears drop. "he's never been like this with me before i don't even know what i did." she cried. "i know i know." maddy said. "sometimes he just gets mad. and sadly we're the ones he takes it out on." she said.

the thing with those two girls was,no matter what nate did to them,they would always love him. and he would always love them. even if he choked them because they were dressed like "hookers".

she spent the next day at maddy's. all day. she didn't want to see nate and she wanted to be with maddy. nate got the hint but that didn't stop him from showing up to maddy's house.

he drove there and called bailey demanding that she came outside. so she did. and as soon as he saw the bruising on her neck and just said he wanted to make sure she was okay. and then he drove away. guilty much nate jacobs?

and even though she promised him she'd go home that night she ended up staying at maddy's again. she told nate and he didn't try to fight it because part of him understood that bailey didn't want to see him. even though he really wanted to see her.

the next morning was monday. maddy and bailey got up extra early so they could shower bailey's neck in a bunch of concealer. they did their best. she also wore a pink turtleneck she found in maddy's closet with a hoodie over it. she also left her hair down to hide the back of her neck's bruising.

she also threw on some leggings and called it a day. she didn't even put on any makeup. her and maddy left and maddy drove them to school. when they got in the parking lot,maddy parked her car,and turned to bailey. "keep your head up today. i don't care what nate did to you,you're still a bad fucking bitch" she said. "bitch you're my soulmate" she said to maddy. they smiled at eachother and walked into the school.

she saw nate walking around the halls like a mad person. clearly searching for something. or someone. when he spotted bailey he made his way up to her. but maddy noticed and she quickly grabbed bailey and walked in the other direction.

nate ran after them. and he stopped them. "please just let me talk to her" he pleaded. bailey looked at maddy. "it's okay" she said. maddy nodded her head. "i'm fucking watching you nate" she said. he glared at her and then put his hand out for bailey. hoping it would make her feel comfortable. she looked at his hand and held it. he walked her to a random janitors closet.

"look i'm really sorry about the other night. i had no right-
she cut him off.
"it's okay" she said with the fakest smile anyone could ever make. he nodded his head and kissed her. after a quick kiss she pulled away. "have a good day" she sweetly said. he bit his lip and smiled.

she walked away and went to her first class after texting maddy to tell her she loved her.

well, by fourth period her day was ruined. and nate's life and career could've been too.

bailey had passed out due to lack of food that past weekend. when the paramedics saw her bruised neck after the teacher called the ambulance for her,they immediately told the principal. who later had bailey go in his office and have her explain the bruising.

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