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Hi! I'm writing this story because as you can tell..... I'm a HUGE Narusasu/Sasunaru fan! I have read so many narusasu books and recently just got inspired to write one! So I hope that you enjoy this story and please forgive me for late updates once I get my posting schedule together. I will let you know my posting schedule once able to figure it out. Until then... ENJOY!! 

*Warning this story will contain smut/yaoi and mature vocabulary so if that's not your thing I will let you know when to skip the smut/ yaoi but there is mature vocabulary throughout the book.

Naruto's POV

"ahhh... another day another ramen bowl,"

 I said as I walked downstairs after getting dressed in my usual attire. Today I'm finally getting assigned to a team! I hope I get Shikamaru on my team. Being on the same team as my best friend would be AWSOME! We would get to go on super cool A-rank missions together. Let's see who else do I want on my team?.... oh how about... Kiba! It would be super cool if we were on the same team. Oh and Sakura-chan!!! I would loveeee to be on the same team as the beautiful, powerful, one and only sakura-chan!

 "Oh damn, I'm going to be late!"

I quickly gulped down the rest of my instant ramen and ran out the door.


"Ha! I made it before the assigning of the teams" i said as I took my seat next to Shikamaru.

"Hey Shika" i said beaming at my best friend.

"Hey Naru" He replied

"Are you excited to get assigned to a team?" I asked wondering if he was as excited as I was.

"sorta but if I get someone who has a huge ego or is really annoying it'll be such a drag" he said rolling his eyes at the end.

"yea i guess so..."

"Alright class! I will now announce the teams" said Iruka-sensei

"YES!" I exclaimed earning some side-eyes and glares.

"alright... we will start from team 10... team 10 will be Yamanaka Ino , Akimichi Choji , and Nara Shikamaru  and will be led by Sarutobi Asuma"

" UUUUGH!" ino yelled followed by a few other... words. 

"Aww man I got the pig.... this is going to be such a drag" Shikamaru whispered to me.

I giggled. I guess I won't be getting Shikamaru on my team, but at least I can still get Kiba or Sakura... or BOTH! 

"Team 9 will be Rock Lee, TenTen, and Hyuga Neji led by Gai Sensei"

I heard a few 'yea' and 'alright' so I'm pretty sure they got who they wanted on their team. I just hope I get who I want.

"Alright, Team 8 will be Inuzuka Kiba , Hyuga Hinata , and Aburame Shino and will be led by  Yuhi Kurenai "

Well I guess kiba won't be on my team either.

Kiba raised his hand.

"Uhm can I also include my dog Akamaru I can't really do my best ninjutsu without him"

"Yes Kiba I have spoken with Kurenai-Sensei and she said it's best if you do"

"Alright! ya hear that Akamaru?" Kiba asked his now excited puppy on his head.


"Alright now, Team 7 will be Uzumaki Naruto ...

"YES IT'S MY TURN"  I thought in my head.

"... Haruno Sakura....

"YES I GOT SAKURAAAA!! i wonder who the last person will be" i thought.

"... and Uchiha Sasuke and will be led by Hatake Kakashi "


"Sas-who?" I said.

 Alrightt that's the end of chapter 1! I can't believe it! This was actually really short and that's probably because I have never written a book before and this is my first time. Sooooo please Comment and Vote! Until next time... byeee

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