At The Birth Of The Baby-Slenderman

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"Slendy!!" Slenderman teleported to the living room,"What is it my dear?" As soon as you got up, your water broke. Slenderman started to run around  the house like a crazy person," What Am i supposed to do?" , he yelled. You ran to the car, "Slender Come on!" He ran and got in the passengers seat. I guess you have to drive yourself. 

When you got to the hospital the nurdses rushed you in. Slendy followed,"Sir, you come in."  Slendy was super angry," That is my wife, with my child. Let me in NOW." They let him pass through. The doctors had you on the bed already wit your feet proped up. "Push!" You pushed, So much pain."Push!" You started screaming," We see the head. come on and push!!" A little thump and then a baby's wailing. " it's a Boy!!"  You had sweat all over your face, you held your baby. They had to help Slendy up .

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