Chapter 3

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I was feeling a bit hungry, so I called for the maids to get me something to eat, potato pudding was prepared for today’s lunch so I ate it carefully and slowly till I finished my whole plate, it was quite delicious am sure Marinette was in charge of cooking today, she cooks really nice, she’s really good.
 I watched TV drama’s for a while and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of the shower draining water, I guess Alex was back.
I lazily stood up from the bed as I sluggishly went down the stairs to get Alex his food, yeah he doesn’t like me doing that but I had to, it was the only way left to be close to him to show you the extent of how we were from each other, it was depressing.

“Hey honey you home” I smiled as I entered the room, he was already drying his hair and wearing his robe as I set the plate on a table beside him.

“I thought you were asleep, I didn’t want to disturb you, hope I didn’t? He asked looking up at me still drying his hair. I just nodded no, because I started to feel a little nauseous, it was like all my food was trying to come out of my body through my mouth, yes vomit and it didn’t come to play.
I hurriedly held my mouth close as I ran as fast I could to the bathroom, I could hear Alex worried voice following me all the way to the bathroom as I headed straight for the toilet bowl, it was like vomiting my intestines out, my tummy hurt a lot, I hated this, I was in pain and I felt so weak. I could feel Alex slow and comforting strokes on my back, as I stopped throwing up, I sat on the toilet floor and looked back at him, He then passed me a cup of water.

“Are you ok, we should go to the hospital for some tests, you know we can’t do those at home”, he said with a worried expression as I smiled lightly, and nodded too.
    He lifted me up as he carried me in his arms, he dropped me on the side of the bed slowly to sit up as he puts a pillow behind me to support me. He goes back to the bathroom and I hear the toilet water flush down, I guess he went to clean the place up, he helped me get ready as he hurriedly did so too and we set for the hospital.
    The drive to the hospital was quiet, and my body wasn’t mine at all, I could still hear sounds of my insides rumbling, it hurt a little and I still felt a little nauseous so I wined down the car window to get natural air, it helped made me feel better. When Nana heard about what happened before we left home, she was so worried but Alex told her that if we got to the hospital and I was being tested he would give her a call, and also if he gets any news about the test result he would let her know first, so it would make Nana assured and calm, it did help though.

We finally reached the hospital gates, once Alex parked he came over to my side to help me down, he knew I was still feeling weak. We walked into the hospital together as we headed for the labs, of course we didn’t need any of those major hospital procedures because we basically own here.

We were now done with the tests we had to wait a little longer for the results so Alex told the lab attendant, that when the tests were done he should forward the results immediately to him, which the lab attendant obliged to.

“Hey, you feeling better now? He asked again this time holding my hand and looking at my face as he smiled lightly.
“Yeah, am a bit better now, although my mouth has no taste right now, other than that am fine”, I smiled back at him. We waited a while as we walked round the hospital, so I could feel better, it was helping so I felt relieved.

“What, for real, ok thank you, send me the soft copies now, I’ll get the hard copies from you tomorrow, yes, ok, bye”, I heard Alex hang up the phone, we were already home as I sipped my tea that was made for me when we got back.

“Alex honey, what did the test results say? I looked at him with anxiousness as I was hoping it wasn’t something bad, because Alex’s expressions were ones very hard to understand.

“It says you pregnant honey, am gonna be a father, am going to be a father”, I was dazzled, never have I ever, even once thought of this, it was the least thing I expected, I expected like a disease or something else but this, it was over whelming. It gave me moments to think, oh my gosh a baby is actually growing inside of me, I always wanted to know what it felt like, would I have to walk gently so the baby won’t feel uncomfortable, I’ll actually feel it’s first kick and everything I couldn’t wait to see how my bump would look like.

I was there in my thoughts when an over whelming Alex lifted me up in his arms bridal style as he carried me to the living room to break the news to everyone, I guess now my food plans were definitely going to change, I was so excited. As Alex walked down the stairs I covered my face with my hands as I was so shy, I bet Nana would tease me a lot, I didn’t know how to react when everyone applauded after hearing the news, the maids where also so excited it was all over their faces, and Nana’s expressions were the best, I could still see it, even in her wrinkles, line after line, beamed happiness.

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