Chapter 25

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Alex POV.

Grandma makes me do a lot of crazy things, why did she have to make me invite Dr. Irene over for dinner, just because she left her hair pin at our house, like come on she hasn't even seen her before and she requests this, she's a colleague and it could disrupt our work, and most especially its not even right at all, and I worsened the issue by telling her in a forceful manner.

Am supposed to ask her first if she wants to but no Alex, no your ego went ahead of you yet again. Jeez! Am scolding myself again, I better hurry up for the ward rounds.

I entered ward 5 with the new rookies as they dispatched to their various patients to check their vitals. But something seemed to catch my eye, it was Dr. Irene.

She had very good communication skills with her patients, the way she smiled and her aura was just so happy and bright, I wish mine was as strong and lively as hers, my life would have been better.
      She really seemed to like her job, her patients too are getting better, that's great improvement.
I smiled to myself as I continued with my notepad and checked my own patients.

Irene POV.

I walked up to Judy's bed, and rose her bed up a little so it would be as if she was sitting, so I could talk and see her clearly. "Hello Judy, how are you feeling today? I asked doing so, I checked her heart beat, her eye colour, her temperature and other vitals,
" am feeling better honey", she replied and smiled lightly.
"OK could you raise your right hand up slowly, don't worry I'll support you", I requested, Judy broke her arm, and recently after her surgery, we've been giving her therapy to make better quickly.
I held her arm and raised it slowly as we both did until it was completely up, we did that a few times and then I released her hand so she could try it herself.
Of course she did try it but got tired after a few stretches.
"Don't worry Judy its a gradual process, but you making great progress though just so you know, you're doing great", I smiled happily at her and she returned the smile even more better and stronger.

We were now done with ward rounds, I was a little tired, I looked around for lily but couldn't find her, is she still with Laiya or where could she have gone. I looked at my watch, oh shit! Its almost midnight, I think my makeup is going to vanish again, thinking so, I ran all the way to the rooftop my only refuge and hiding spot.

What the! I was breathless as I got to the top of the building, I began panting for breath, when I overheard a conversation between two people, I could not see their faces clearly because I immediately hid in a corner.

" and you didn't even think of calling me even once?,
"I tried lily am sorry, you know how dad can be, he didn't even want to listen to me as he usually does, he just has his ways.
" and mum? How is she, where is she now?
" she's fine now, she went over to aunt Peggy's place, she didn't even say anything as usual.
"OK, its fine ill,go check her tomorrow, but for now I have to go back in there, am sure I missed WARF rounds, my boss is going to yell at me",
" OK lily, I'll talk to you later......

What where they talking about,its seems its something that has to do with their family, am now super curious what it is.

    As I still hid behind a plank wood, as they both left the rooftop, with lily leading the way in a hurry.
I waited a few seconds and then came out of my hiding place, what could have made lily so pissed off for her to look that way, the lily I know is very jovial and fun, I wonder what it might be.
     Anyway am here to receive this fresh natural air while I pass the time my makeup comes off before anyone sees me, it will be terrible, I sat on the floor with my legs folded, in a yoga position.
  But come to think of it, what's wrong with my makeup, should I call saviour, I think am having side effects or something, just as I was about to dial saviours number,when I heard footsteps behind me, it was already late for me to run so I just sat where I was, not moving, with my head bowed low.

"You also come here for air I see", the voice spoke, hold on hold on, that voice sounds...... Its Dr. Alex, no he can't see me like this, I stood up beside him as I used my hair to cover my face.

" Yes Sir, I come here at times", I replied stuttering a little on my words.

" So I see someone has stolen my spot", he smiled lightly and turned to look at me, I just laughed awkwardly as I spoke.
"No sir, or maybe, I just feel the air here helps me" cool off", we both said it at the same time, and laughed after a little pause.
"So how are your patients doing Dr. Irene?
"They are better, their responding to treatment very well", I replied,
"That's good ,oh and and about the other day at my house, thanks for filling in for the nurse and taking care of me",
"Oh no, no problem, its nothing, am glad I did", I smiled lightly.
Wait what is this, our conversation is not awkward, as if we've spoken before, OK I know he's not going to continue to talk to me like this in the office and I have to be careful before he sees my face, I don't want to be caught this way.

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