『 two 』

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Who, What, When, Where, How

6:30 am

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6:30 am

Jihoon rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms. He looked at the clock next to his bed and his eyes widened when it read 6:30 am. Rolling his eyes up, he fell back onto the bed and groaned at how hard his matress was. 'My matress wasnt this bad when I first got it' Jihoon pushed down slightly only for rusty springs to answer back. 'I guess its time to change it out' 

Jihoon snuck back into the covers, ready for another few hours of sleep. When he finally got comfortable, his door flew open and a thud was heard as it hit the wall harshly. 

"mM... Hyunsuk, why are you awake? get back to sleep" 

"Are you kidding me? Its time to get to work, hurry up or else youre gonna get fired"

"No need to rub it in that I failed my interview okay? Now let me sleep"

Instead of being left alone, Hyunsuk threw the blanket off the bed which forced Jihoon to get up. 

"Whats your problem? Im just tryna sleep"

"If you dont want to be burned alive, I suggest you get up quickly. Whats with you today... youre usually up and running by this time." 

"What do you mean- I always sleep past 12" Jihoons remark gave Hyunsuk a confused look

"Did you hit your head somewhere? You feeling okay?" Hyunsuk put the back of his hand up to Jihoons forehead, checking if hes sick or not. 

Jihoon slapped his hand away and gave him a glare, "Im fine, I dont think youre okay though. Why would I be awake at 6:30 am" Hyunsuk opened his mouth to reply back, giving him a concerned look when another person came through the door. 

"His highness is looking for the both of you" The lady looked at Hyunsuk giving him the news. Jihoon looked at the lady then back at Hyunsuk.

"Whos that-?"

"One of the maids here" 

"We never had maids at our apartment though"


"Yeah" Hyunsuk gave Jihoon a confused glance

"Are you sure youre okay? I can tell his highness that youre not feeling well"

"Im perfectly fine! Im concerned about you! Whos his highness and why is there a maid at our apartment?!" Jihoons sudden out burst gave Hyunsuk an even more confused look. 

"Jihoon... what do you mean apartment? We've never had an apartment"

"What? Hyunsuk dont play games with me. Now let me go back to sleep." Jihoons hair now desplaying his frustration. Jihoon grabbed the blankets on the floor and pulled them back up. Letting out a sigh he mumbled a small goodnight and tried to go back to sleep. His conversation with Hyunsuk kept him awake though. 

'Why is he being so weird today?' He shuffled to his side 

'Its only been a few hours since I last talked to him' He sat up and looked around the room, scanning everything. Soon he realized he wasnt in his room. 'What the heck, where am I?!'  Jihoon pulled off the covers and grabbed a random jacket hanging on the rack next to the door.

As Jihoon left the room he was met with maids and butlers rushing all around the room. Surprised, Jihoon ran back into his room, fantically closing the door. 'What is this place'

Going back outside, he was once again met with the running workers. Not paying attention to his surroundings, he managed to bump into one of the maids.

"My apologies sir" she bowed and started to pick up her stuff. Realizing the situation, Jihoon bent down to help her. "Oh! Sir, you dont have to. Mustnt you report to the prince?"

"Where am I?" Jihoons spontaneous question gave the maid the same expression Hyunsuk had earlier. 

"Sir, I dont know what you mea-"

"Please just answer the question" She gave Jihoon a weird side glace but answered his question anyway.

"Sir, we are at the Treasure Palace"



A short chapter but the story is finally starting !! I wrote this on my phone at 11:30 pm so Ill have to go back later and see if there are any typos or weirdly written parts. 

Thanks for reading !! 


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