Link's past

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This story will all be in 3rd person. There will be no POV changes but I may put in small parts with Link or Zelda's POV. To clarify I do NOT own any of the characters in this fanfiction

Clang! The Child's sword clashed against his fathers. His father was the head of the Royal Guard of Hyrule. As his father's sword came down the Child nimbly slid away from the strike of the sword and disappeared from his sight. He came out of nowhere and attacked his father from behind. Being the head of the Royal Guard he swiftly avoided the attack but was impressed by his son's quick and agile movements. "Link, you've improved very well in these past few months." His father says. "Thank you, father." Link beams at his father's praise. Little did he know this would be the last time he would hear or see his father again.

3 weeks later...

Link was awaiting his father's return from battle as he trained against a dummy he was swinging his sword and was excited to show his father a new tactic that he came up with. He kept swinging his sword until the time that his father came home. He waited, and waited, and waited even more. Until 1 week passed without any word from his father. Link woke up one day to his crying mother in the room she told Link about the tragedy that had happened to his father. His father was killed by a Lynell that had been roaming around the front of Hyrule Castle. A few weeks his mother would sit on the rocking chair looking into the distance with a mug of tea, eyes red and puffy, waiting for her time to come. She grew thinner and thinner until Link became so concerned that he took his mother upstairs and put her on a bed. He went out and called a doctor, soon to find out that his mother was in an incurable state of depression. And a few days later Link came to exchange her mother's flowers. He went over to touch her usually warm and soft hand but was met with an icy cold touch. Link knew in his heart that his mother had moved on to the next life, to live with father again, and he would be left to live on his own. But then he heard "Do not be afraid Link, your father and I will always look over you. You will become the knight that seals the darkness and the Hero of Hyrule." From that day on Link bottled up his emotions and kept them to himself. He rarely talked or communicated with anyone and he...

"AAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAH" Link screamed as he sat up in his bed. He was breathing heavily as he awoke from his dream of the past. He calmed himself down. It seemed that he was still in his comfortable bed inside his room. He went down the stairs which led down to the main room of the house. He looked out the window and remembered. "Oh, so today's the day." today was the day that he would be placed among the ranks of the Royale Knights of Hyrule he had gone through tons of days of training and he pushed himself to the extreme to get to these heights. He quickly ate his breakfast and put his Hylian guard armor set on. He wondered what his mother's message meant. What did Hero of Hyrule mean? He wondered to himself as he walked out his door for the last time until he would be needing the house again. From now on he would be living in the knights quarters of the Hyrule castle. And would also be working night shifts. As he got to the front of Hyrule castle he was pointed towards the area where all of the Royal knights were placed.

The knights were called into the sanctum of the castle. There stood King Roham and his daughter princess Zelda. King Roham started, "I have called you all here to celebrate the appointment of these here knights. Were once trainees and now to be full-fledged knights. Please come to accept your weapon and your shield. As Link came up King Roham looked him straight in the eye as if he was staring him down and somewhat expectantly handed Link his weapon and his shield. It was at this moment that Link's fate had been sealed. His burdens were going to start, his whole life would change.

Link looked at the princess. "I wish you the greatest of luck and may the goddess Hylia smile upon you." said the princess. And Link rose up onto his feet and started to walk out of the room. He looked over at the princess again who was wishing the new knights the best of luck. Her eyes were the clearest most beautiful emerald green. And her hair was golden blond and was flowing down from her head all the way to around her lower back. Something about her was different, it was like he was tied to her from the very first moment. But being a knight he shook the feeling off and ran to training.

1 week later...

Link went on his first mission as a Hylian knight there were Bokoblins sightings near the Hylian castle and Link and a few other new troops were sent off to fight them off. This was supposed to be a quick but challenging mission. The troops were ready for a rather easy fight but were found against 3 Lynell's and 5 Bokoblins. The Knights fought the 5 Bokoblins but were easily defeated by the Lynell's, the rest retreated. All except for Link. Link remembered what his mother had told him last. "You will be the Knight that seals the darkness" Link ran towards the 3 Lynell's with his sword, if he was going to defeat them he would have to fight smart and be agile while fighting them. One Lynell had a Savage Lynell Crusher, one had a Savage Lynell Sword and the other had a normal sword. He decided to take down the weaker Lynell first. And with 2 agile movements, Link took down the 1st Lynell. The other two Lynell's spread to the sides and one took its bow and took a shot at Link. Link quickly blocked with his shield but was met in the back with a savage Lynell crusher. Link fell to the floor with a large cut on his back but kept fighting. Just as Lynell came in with his crusher he dodged out of the way at the last second. Time seemed to slow down Link took his sword and hit the Lynell with 8 very fast attacks sending the Lynell flying back into a puff of black smoke. The last Lynell came in with his Savage Lynell Sword but Link was ready. He took his shield and parried the sword back at the Lynell. The Lynell lost its balance and Link took the chance to take his sword and cut the Lynell into 2 putting an end to the final Lynell's life. "He won, he actually took out the Lynell's." One knight said from behind the trees. The general came out to congratulate Link on his accomplishment.

Later he came back carried over by his fellow knights. His wounds were treated and he was put to bed rest. Later that day the King came over to the knight's quarters. Every knight stood up and saluted the king. Roham started "I heard of your cowardly actions today you pitiful knights. Why did I king Roham put you on the royal guard? Because I THOUGHT you were worthy of the honor." The knights looked guiltily at the king but did not move from their places. King Roham walked toward the door but stopped just before walking out. "I'd like to talk to Link when he comes back, tell him to come to the throne room," Roham said as he walked out the door without another sound.

Link stirred as the light from the window poured into the room. He opened his eyes and wondered where he was. He saw the healing herbs, books, and... a Zora? Sitting in the corner sleeping was Mipha she was given the special ability to heal wounds or more as close them up. He had realized that Mipha must have healed his wound and helped him recover. He felt the urge to stay in bed but he got up and got ready for the day. His back ached a little but he felt fine. "Link?" he heard Mipha stir as he left the room. "Where are you going?" Link gave her a smile then left the room. Mipha sat there confused before shaking it off and reminding herself that she needed to go home early to see her father before, leaving to going back to the Zora village.

Link got back to the Knights quarters. Everybody stared at him as he walked to the General, the General looked back "Ah Link, I see you have awoken from your slumber, by the way, King Roham wants to see you in the throne room as soon as possible." exclaimed the General. Link nodded and ate his breakfast before going to the throne room to meet with the king.


Hi everyone this is my FIRST Zelink fanfiction so um I hope you liked it. this one is a little short and most of them probably are going to be short so instead, I'll promise frequent updates. Alrighty then cya all in the next one.

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