Zelda's Wish

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This is the 2nd chapter in the series I hope that people liked the first chapter, if not please don't be afraid to tell me in the comments, I'd like some feedback and would love some advice also. Hope you all enjoy it!

As Link walked into the room he saw a decoration heavy room fill his view. As he looked around he saw the king sitting on his throne reading some papers. He looked up as he heard Link walk into the room.

"Ah, Link... greetings." King Roham said

Link came in front of the king and kneeled down on the floor.

"I heard of your courage in the battle against the enemies, as others fled you stayed and fought. I am very proud to call you one of my royal guard." King Roham started

Link kept a stern face and did not talk at all

"I've heard from many that you are a skilled warrior and have beaten out your General many times before. That is rare for a new knight," he said

Roham stood up from his throne and finally said

"I would like to appoint you as my daughter's personal guard. This is a big responsibility but I believe that you would put your life on the line to save my daughter."

Link nodded without hesitation and stood up.

Before he walked out the door King Roham said

"Go to the great Deku tree before dusk, I will tell Zelda the news by tomorrow morning."

Link slowly nodded before walking out the door.

Zelda's Private Study

Zelda sat in her study reading a new book she got from Purah on Ancient Technology. She sighed as she was reading about the 4 divine beasts which will soon be fully recovered from their hiding places. She read that the Zonai tribe helped create the 4 divine beasts. She wondered where the Zonai tribe had fled to. They were a thriving tribe that ended mysteriously. She closed her book and soon enough her eyes got heavy and the whole world went black.

Zelda opened her eyes. She looked up to see that she was laying in the grass, next to a man with blond hair with a blue tunic, she felt his warmth against her back. Although she didn't know who it was she felt rather peaceful. She didn't want to move at all. Then as she closed her eyes she felt the warmth go away, and dark malice absorb her. It was cold, lonely, and most of all scary.

"Where am I?!" Zelda screamed

"Please someone help me!"

"Huh? Oh, it was only but a dream." Zelda woke up with a start.

She was yet again left in a nighttime study. She decided to head back to her room. She walked through the door towards her room and looked over to the side to see a soldier swinging his sword his movements were quick and agile but his blows were insanely powerful. He stopped and looked upward towards the moon. Zelda just stared into his eyes for a second. They were as blue as the sky and the moon made them look as if they were glowing. She got out of her daze and the soldier noticed the stare from the princess and looked over his shoulder. He stared at her for a moment and gave a smile. It wasn't a big smile that you would normally see, but somehow it warmed her heart. She smiled, gave a wave, and left toward her room.

At The Great Deku Tree a few hours ago...

Link took many attempts at making it through the Korok forest and now finally made it to the Great Deku Tree. The tree stirred and woke up, and looked down, right at Link.

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