Chapter 87: Oxstone Village

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It was a cold, clear day in the mountains. Alone, Eagle Talon prowled the hillsides. He strained his ears for any sound of birds or animals, but all was strangely quiet—subdued, even. As if the valley itself were holding its breath in anticipation of some dark force.

Talon couldn't remember leaving the caves and going out on his own. Padding past dark cloud-colored boulders was the first thing he felt aware of, though he was sure he'd been walking all day.

He decided not to be bothered by the fact that he couldn't remember anything beforehand and to just keep walking. He would need to find something to bring home before returning.

A low growl broke the silence. Eagle Talon froze in his tracks. He was standing in a valley with a field of large boulders scattered here and there. He couldn't see very far ahead of him or around him. He bristled uneasily and unsheathed his claws, glancing around.

From behind one of the biggest boulders, a large, sand-colored shape crept into view. Talon felt his heart rise to his mouth when he saw what it was: an enormous mountain lion. The great beast towered three times as tall over Talon in his bakeneko form. The huge feline's eyes glowed like fire as it set its gaze hungrily upon the small cat.

Another growl sounded behind Talon. He whirled around to see another mountain lion creeping out from the shadows. This one's eyes glowed like amber. Talon found himself cornered by the two beasts, and they were stalking him as they would prey.

Eagle Talon shifted into his nekomata body. The first lion uttered a louder growl and lashed its thick tail, but Talon ignored the warning. Without any thought of caution, he responded with a warrior's yowl, bore his claws, and launched himself at the first lion.

There was a heated skirmish, and Talon found his opponent was using his weight against him, along with snapping those strong jaws at his face over and over. Yet, somehow, Talon was light on his paws and vicious in his counterattacks. He felt grim triumph as he found himself beating the mountain lion—tearing its flesh, biting at its throat, and shoving it down.

The second beast joined with a scream of rage. Talon took it down just as easily, with a few stout clouts to the head to daze it and then the finishing bite on its throat. Both tried to get back up, bleeding heavily, but Talon slashed and bit them all the harder. Before he knew it, they were both finished.

He stood over their bodies triumphantly. Then, their feline shapes shifted and transformed. Once again, Talon felt realization and horror clog up his throat as he recognized the humans who now lay before him: Kai, the Son of Fire, and Skylor, the Daughter of Amber. Claw scratches had torn gashes across Kai's face, his hair soaked in red. Skylor's beautiful body was now mutilated and broken beyond recognition.

"No—not again!" Talon groaned, tearing himself away from the gory spectacle. He ran at a wild, stumbling pace, desperate to get away.

The ground tilted over suddenly. Talon was flung off his feet and plummeted into darkness. His own wail of terror echoed hauntingly in his head.

He hit the ground. Staggering on his shaky paws, he stood up. He found himself on a steep, narrow mountaintop, with only pebbles and dirt to stand on. The sky yawning above him was dark, and a cold, angry wind lashed at his fur. He glanced over the edge of the precipice, but the slopes of the cliffside fell away only into shadows as black as ink. Terrified, he dug his claws into the dirt and crouched down, shivering.

He looked up, and saw a cat standing before him. His blood ran cold when he recognized the pelt and face of the young tom facing him with a sneer: Tall Ears—the cat he had murdered in a duel a few days ago. His kithood tormentor who had delighted in reminding him of the dark rumors surrounding Talon and Black Blood's birth.

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