I Love You. I Love You More

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Jasmine POV

This summer holiday has been the worst of them all. My parents decided that I should take vacation outside of Australia for a little while to become more culturally diversed. They were right I did need to get out of Australia but it was to get as far away as possible from my obnoxious little sister. So I said why not, I could visit my amazing aunt, Aunt Yolanda, who lives in New York. Well there are five reasons why I shouldn't have gone.

1. It is extremely cold
2.The people there are incredibly rude
3.The is air is totally polluted
4.Everything was super expensive (even McD's)
5.Did I mention how freaking cold it is.

"Jaz Master don't you miss your family and friends?" Asked Aunt Yolanda

"Surprisingly, yes." I said. Aunt Yolanda grabbed her tablet and started to Facetime my family.

"Hi Mommy, Dad, Rocky, and the Devil child." I said with sass.

"I am not a devil child! " Said the devil child named Arianna.

"Sure whatever floats your boat."
"So today's your last day at your Aunt's apartment " my dad explains while were Facetiming.

"Already, I had no idea it was time for me to leave. " which I only said cause my aunt was right behind me.

"Don't lie you already started getting packed last week." Said Aunt Yolanda as she smaked me upside the head.

"No I didn't." I try to say convincingly.

Rocky started barking; when one loud scream came from the devil child.

"Stingray we'll see you Friday, okay!" My mom explains as she runs to save my sister.

"OK bye. Love you. See you then."

Aunt Yolanda left the room and did what she did best; online shopping for things she doesn't need. While I Facetimed my BFF's;Adele, Madison/Mad Dog, Naomi, Lilith and Joy. Today was Wednesday which is Girls Night Out meaning they would all be hanging out together. So I called Madison because she has her phone on her at all times.

"Hey Mad Dog! " I said with all my excitement

"JASI!! " said Mad Dog returning the excitement

" OMG Jasi we miss you!" Said Adele from the background.

"Things haven't been the same without you." Says Naomi

"We can't wait for Saturday we're going to have so much fun." Said Lilith.

"Same it'll be a night to remember.#memories." I say making hashtag sign with my fingers.

" Hey that's my thing." Says Madison with fire in her eyes.

" I'm sorry Im a whole lot better at that than you are. Bye see you all soon." I say teasing her.

"Bye; love you girly." Adele said while blowing kisses.

That's when I ended the call so I could contact my wonderful boyfriend; Robin.

"Hey Beautiful, how's America?" Asked Robin with his big beautiful brown eyes.

"It okay but nothing could beat being in Australia."

" I really miss you and your beautiful big brain. I can't wait to see you again." Say Robin before he grins.

"I miss you too and I can't to see you either Boo." I said after giggling a little.

"Jasmine." Robin's face becomes intense

"Yeah?" I say flickering my eyes trying to look sexy but that wasn't exactly working out for me

"I love you." Said Robin for the first time. When he said this my face instantly lit up.

"I love you more." I said to him. We just stared at each other for a while before we bursted in laughter.

"Ok bye, See you on Monday!" Said Robin

That's when the call end. I clutched the tablet to my stomach and fell back on to the couch in the living room. I stared at the ceiling thinking of what it would be like to be in the 10 grade. Then I dozed off.

I apologize to all of you grammar fanatics that had read this dreadful story. Please comment to let me know how I make this story better for your enjoyment and don't forget vote. Thank You. 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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