Monrosalee Proposal<3

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Monroe's P.O.V

I planned it out so thoroughly. With no warning I let her know to get dressed for a wonderful night out into the best restaurant in town! She seemed eager, assuming I just wanted to spoil her to an amazing meal which was all part of the plan.

Whilst I was bracing myself waiting for her getting ready, I placed my vintage 40s fedora that I (of course) inherited from my grandfather to complete my entire look. I have the tendency to over-stress and worry about the slightest thing going wrong but all of my worries faded away as soon as I saw my soon-to-be fiancée gracefully stroll down the stairs, her beautiful light brown slightly wavy just to her shoulders highlighting her gorgeous deep golden brown eyes. She decided to wear a stunning short black dress to accentuate her slight curves which as a man (and my natural Blutbad instincts) I did not complain about.

I was staring at her in absolute awe, how could I be so lucky to land a beautiful Fuchsbau like her? I'm so in love with her it hurts.

Rosalee finally snapped me out of my gawking from leaving me absolutely speechless but the only word that could escape my lips was 'wow'. She truly is such a picture. As I helped her with her coat, she questioned if I really wanted to take her to such an expensive place. I assured her I wanted to treat her and she graciously accepted.

*In the restaurant, over a fancy bottle of wine*

Rosalee's P.O.V

I have no idea what inspired my handsome hunk of a Blutbad to treat me to a romantic date to such an expensive place but I definitely wasn't complaining. The food and wine was so divine as was the company. We were giggling over embarrassment about stories of our past.

"No, no! That's embarrassing! I am not going to tell you about my first time, forget it", I exasperated in denial.

"If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine", he absolutely insisted so I gave in.

" first time...was with my brother".

"Your brother...Freddy? Seriously?", he said as he started to laugh again.

"Yes, what about you?"

"That was with my mother", he eased up and shrugged.

"Well that had to have been better than what I went through, she must have at least explained it to you", I said reassuring him.

"Wait, you mean he didn't..."

I stopped him midway to continue.

"Oh no, he pretended something was really wrong with me and when it came over me I felt like I was having a hot flash. I was sweating, I thought I was dying", I explained. I miss my brother but there are memories that I do not miss.

"Oh man, so you had no idea you woged?"

"Not until I was crying and then he finally shown me what I looked like in the mirror. I will never, ever forget how hard he laughed. But then he stopped when I bit him in the ankle."

After my story time, he offered to buy yet another wine bottle that costs 170 dollars! I was slightly suspicious if we were yet to celebrate something but he reassured he just wanted to have a great night out with me. I gave in and enjoyed the rest of the night out until we got home.

*Coming home through the door*

" I tracked down the star wheel in Triberg because it was impossible to find one with the set-screw for both the one day and the eight day regular movement. If you think that was hard, don't get me started on the 4.75 inch gong coil", as Monroe rambled on about the clock parts he worked on.

Tired from all the food and wine I said,

"I'm really full, I'm going to get out of these clothes."

He insisted on showing me the new clock so I gave in and followed him into his study. To be fair it was a beautiful looking clock and he's always prideful about his work which is one of the things I love most about him so I was not complaining, just very exhausted.

"Right okay, I want you to listen to the tone of the coo-coo on this one."

I got myself prepared for his enjoyment but as the little bird came out, the coo-coo came out as Monroe's voice in a baritone saying 'will you...marry me' over and over with a beautiful ring on its beak. Is this really happening?

I stood there with my mouth open in shock when he got down on one knee and repeated the question himself. I got so overwhelmed I couldn't speak, but he took the silence as a bad one and questioned if it was over the top. I finally broke silence and gladly accepted his proposal (not just saying that because of the clock) as my eyes started to tear up.

His eyes started to glisten with tears too as he said,

"Then I guess you better wear this."

We both had such huge smiles on our faces with tears streaming down as he slid the breathtakingly stunning ring on and welcomed each other with a huge warm embrace. I did not expect the night to end like that but I am so happy that my life will change forever, and even happier spending it with the man of my dreams.


Oh my goodness hello again! I finally decided to add some Monroe and Rosalee scenes now because I absolutely love them both as a couple and individual characters, especially Monroe! I have the same fascination with watches, Halloween and all things old fashioned so watching him and his amazing sense of humour is relatable to say the least, Hope you guys enjoyed this one, I'm slowly building up my rank on the hashtags! That is crazy, I love all of you Grimm fanatics:) *mwah* peace <3

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