Cute Scene - Adalind P.O.V

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As Kelly continuously kept crying in arms, I started to get frustrated but severely concerned. In the small time I had with Diana, she was never like this so I had no idea what the solution was while Nick and I were trying to come up with one over the pan.

"I fed you, I changed you, I burped you! Why are you doing this? What's wrong?", I exclaimed with a strain in my voice out of concern.

Seeing Nick struggle with the pan I decided to help.

"Is the water boiling? If the water is boiling you got to put the rice in then turn it down!"

Immediately he recoiled back with, 

"The rice is in! How do we turn the baby down?"

Slightly amused by his comeback, I sniggered a little and answered out of frustration,

"Aha, you try. Let me deal with the rice."

I gently placed Kelly into Nicks arms before I rushed over to boil the rice properly...I think. Nick was trying his best to maintain his stress and stay calm for the baby to stay calm too but not much was working. His poor little face was scrunched up and red from all the crying, breaking my heart even more because I felt beyond useless for this situation.

"I'm sure it's not that bad. Maybe it's colic. How do we know if it's colic?", Nick asked.

Wanting this to be fixed I answered quickly, "I don't know, I'm still trying to boil rice."

We eventually decided to call the one person who might know the solution, Rosalee.

Monroe and Rosalee's House

Rosalee's P.O.V

In the calm vintage atmosphere of our house that I have always loved, we had the 1912 Belle Epoque record player with a beautiful piece of old music and Monroe came into the dining room with some red wine, pure joy over his face for his pure love of old classical music.

With passion, he asked, "Did you hear the cello counterpoint?"

Confusion passed over my face for a second out of no musical knowledge but I loved how eager and heartfelt he was over it so I said, "I hear the cello. Whether it's counterpointing or not, I couldn't tell you."

We were both absolutely content within the moment as he mentioned that this is the best part of the day. As he was about to offer me more wine, the phone started ringing so I answered when Monroe handed it to me.

"Adalind! Is everything okay?"

Hearing the stress in her voice she exclaimed, "We've tried everything. He's been bathed, changed, burped, pooped. How do we know if it's colic?"

"Pretty much if he won't stop crying. Fennel sometimes works, but nothing works all the time," I said with sympathy in my voice. I've had so many mother clients having the same issue with their new-borns when they come into the spice shop.

Back to Nick and Adalind -

With Nick still holding the baby while I was on the phone to Rosalee, I was trying to distract my mind from how tight Nicks shirt was on him, accentuating his firm muscles he has gained over the years from all the brutal fights he's been in with multiple Wesen, his biceps flexing in front of my eyes, but I had to place my mind with the situation in hand.

"I don't care about all the time, I just care about right now," I said whilst I fixed Kelly's blanket to let him cool down.

As soon as the phone was near Kelly he somehow managed to stop crying!

Out of shock and relief, I was about to question it until Nick reminded me about the boiling rice about to burn so we had to quickly end the call with Rosalee. As I rushed over to the pan to turn it off, Nick was waving the phone near Kelly's face which seemed to be working.

Even in stressful times like this, we always manage to come up with a perfect ironic solution. With the living circumstances, we manage to make the best of it and I'm so grateful for our little family, even if Diana isn't a part of it yet. I miss her. I only hope I can find her soon. As for Nick? Well my feelings for him only grow stronger everyday, both as a person and as a father. Seeing him cradle our son to calm him down gave me an overwhelming feeling of serenity.

As he asked if we could give him a phone I calmly said with a smile of content on my face,

"Not until second grade."


Authors Note -

I am back!! If I'm gonna be honest, I completely forgotten this app existed but holy shit, I came back to see almost 3k views on these mini stories! That is insane, thank you so much. And no.7 on one of the trending hashtags!

I have a lot of free time during this lockdown so I am sure I will write more and come up with more ideas, did you like the little snippet of Monroe and Rosalee? Let me know in the comments if you want to see more of that, what else you'd like to see or if you would like a separate book on the moments of M&R! Monroe is my absolute favourite from the show so I would love to know if you'd like me to recreate moments with POVs.

Once again, thank you so much for the love! *mwah*<3

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