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{Kuroko POV}

Why were all of these people appearing in front of me all of a sudden...?

It was scary.

I instinctively grabbed Kagami-kun's shirt and tugged.



I tugged harder without thinking and Kagami-Kun bumped into me.

"Oi, what's wrong? Feel sick again?"

I covered my mouth and grabbed Kagami-kun, putting him in front of me, out of the titan's view.


"I don't want to go." I said, shivering. "Please..."

A tear fell from my eyes. He saw it.

"H-Hey, what's wrong...? You keep crying."

I closed my eyes. "I don't want to see any of them anymore..."

"Who? What are you talking about?"

{Kagami POV}

Kuroko was shivering in front of me, crying slightly.

I was still pretty confused.


"Kagami! What're you doing over there?"

Captain called for me, so I instinctively turned around. However, Kuroko grabbed my jacket and stopped me from looking.


"Please." He said, looking at me. His eyes were watery. "Please."

"You have to tell me what's going on for me to understand, idiot." I said, clearly confused and worried. "What the hell is—"

"One of the Generation of Miracles is over there and I don't want to see him!" Kuroko said. He was being a bit louder than usual, but it was quiet enough.

I stopped in my tracks. "What? Why not?"

"I don't, please, I really don't." He said, shaking his head. "My lack of presence isn't going to work for long, please just get me out of here!"

His desperate eyes hit something in me, and I grabbed his wrist, dragging him back to my house.

As soon as I closed the door, I made him sit on the couch.

"Alright, we're out of there. Now tell me."

He had his eyes closed tight. I sighed.

"At least tell me who that is."

He opened his eyes and stared at me.


"He used to play the center in the Generation of Miracles." He said. "Defense."

"Well, should make sense, considering his crazy height." I said. "Now, tell me, why don't you want to see him? Wasn't he your teammate?"

He looked away, not saying anything.

I was starting to get pissed at his ignorant behavior, so I grabbed his chin and made him face me.

"Kuroko." Our eyes met, and he blinked extremely fast.

"P-Please let go." Kuroko said.

"Make me."

He averted his gaze. He didn't try to move me with his hands. His hands were on his lap, shaking.

"P-Please let go..." He said again, this time in more of a whimper. Tears started to fall down his face. "I'll do whatever you say, please just let go..."

I was a bit surprised at this reaction. I awkwardly let go.

"You don't have to do anything I say..." I said, still pretty weirded out. His face was red. As soon as I let go, he kicked me.


"Bakagami-kun." He said in a quavering voice. We stared into each other's eyes until he broke eye contact. "Please don't do that again..."

"F-Fine..." I said, clutching my stomach. "Sorry."

Ring ring!

I got my phone and answered the call. Kuroko sniffed, and wiped his eyes quickly.


"Oi...What the hell do ya think you're doing?"

I shuddered at Captain's voice. "I'm sorry...Uh..."

I looked at Kuroko. He looked at me curiously.

Captain I mouthed. He pointed at himself, and made an X shape with his hands.

"Uh...Kuroko felt sick, so I accompanied him back to my house." I said, and he nodded, giving me a thumbs up.

"Oh...is that why you guys went running like lightning? We were waiting for you!" He said, sighing. "Anyways, you should come here fast. There's someone here who wants to see you."

"Huh? Me?" I asked, the giant coming into mind. "Who?"


"Remember me?" A familiar voice said, in English.

My eyes grew wide. "Tatsuya—?!"

"Oh good, you remember me." He said, laughing. He was speaking Japanese again. "I remember you went to Seirin, and I just happened to see your senpais playing!"

I shot up onto my feet. "When did you get to Japan?!"

"Not too long ago." He said. "How've you been?"

(Btw, their relationship is A-ok. They're good friends.)

Before I could go back to the court, Kuroko grabbed my jacket and stopped me.

"Please don't go." He said. I looked into his eyes.

"Oh? Is someone with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, a teammate..."

"Oh, nice! Bring him with you, then, ok? Let's play for old time's sake." He hung up.

I looked over at Kuroko. "My friend from America is over there playing with the senpais, and he wants us to go. You sure you don't wanna go?"

He gulped, and looked down.

"I...I will go."

(Time skip)

We walked towards the court. I kept a close eye on Kuroko. He was jittery and looked extremely nervous.


I turned my head towards the voice, and my eyes landed on Tatsuya. He was smiling, and waving.


I ran up to him and high-fived him. "How've you been?"

"You're still as tall as ever." He said, smiling. "Good, how about you?"

He looked around me. "Oh, did your teammate not come?"

I looked around, and saw Kuroko right behind me. In front of him stood the biiiig giant we saw earlier.


"Kuro-chin~ Long time no see."

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