Chapter 19- Dont Tell Anyone..

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By the time I came out the shower it was about half 8, I decided to wear blue jeans with rips in the knee, brown boots with heels, a blacked plain crop top and a flannel around my waist. I went downstairs grabbed a bowl of cereal and watched TV with a towel over my head.

'I'm just going to go to the mall, get my phone fixed, grab a Starbucks and get a few things. Just as long as I'm home before my parents, they won't know' I thought to my self as I put my feet on the couch.

About 9 o'clock I decided to do my hair. I blow dried it and added lose curls, Thank fully, I didn't have a lot of spots today so concealer, powder, mascara, bronzer and blush is fine.

I walked in the o2l house and Ricky's car was there, I walked in and could here some of the boys playing the Xbox or something. "Hey guys" I said over the noise, they couldn't hear me. "Hello?!" I said again. I walked in front of Ricky and Kian playing on the Xbox and they just moved there head to see the screen. "Ugh" I said. They ignored me still "trash talking" each other about mario kart. I sat on Kian lap and he paused the game.

"Why you not at school missy?" Kian said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me onto his chest as he lay back on the couch. My eyes widened thinking about Morgan. I sniggered at what he was trying to do. I took out my phone and showed them, Ricky's eyes widened, Kian just laughed "I'm going to the mall to get it fixed and need a car, it's just, that I don't have one" I said as I looked down at my lap pretending to cry.

"Take mine" Ricky said, getting up to get his keys as he got up it was just me and Kian. He pulled me closer to him "Kian, What about Morgan?!" I snapped at him. "What she doesn't know won't hurt her" He sniggered "And anyway, your not trying to stop me" He added. Kian started tickling "Kian, Stop" I said laughing.

I was facing Kian and he was still tickiling me,my eyes were closed because I was laughing, I accidentally put my hand on his crotch but I didn't notice for a while until he pushed my hand harder. My eyes quickly opened "Kian oh my god" I said annoyed and shocked, I stood up and was going to find Ricky.

"Brooke, Don't tell anyone!"Kian said firmly and I could tell he regretted it.
I raised my eyebrows and my jaw dropped, I sighed but in a disgusted way. I turned back around and bumped in to Ricky.

"Thanks Rick, I will bring you back a Starbucks" I said acting like nothing happened with me and Kian "No problem Brooke, I will text you later"Ricky said, I nodded and went to the mall in his car.

Hope you guys liked I didn't have that idea about Brooke and Kian but I was in the car bored so ya, Hope you guys like🌚Xx

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