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A 6-foot figure rose from the shadows, almost like it appeared from thin air. Almost stealthily, it stalked across the seemingly endless hallway, passing the regal paintings of past residents. The figure muttered things, nonsensical things.

"Late, we're late. We mustn't be late, master will be rather displeased. We are running late!"

"What foolish nonsense are you going on about this time, Ranboo."

The figure stopped in his tracks. Slowly, he turned around. There, almost right behind him was a boy, not much older than 16, standing in a judgmental manner. His chestnut brown hair was combed back and his dark hazel eyes were in slits. The dim candlelight of the hallway shone on the black buttons of his green double-breasted suit jacket.

"Well? You heard me, I expect an answer."

The taller man cleared his throat, "Tubbo! There you are. I was just talking to myself, nothing serious. But I should remind you that you have a business meeting very soon and it would've been more efficient if we had left about, " he checked his pocket watch, "15 minutes ago."

"Why didn't you tell me that sooner?" the shorter asked coldly. Ranboo stiffened.

"Well, I was searching for you. You do seem to know more hiding places than I do. It's not always good to think of this as a game."

Tubbo chuckled to himself as if he had just heard an inside joke.

"If I considered this a joke I would've burned the whole estate down."

The latter's Christmas pattered eyes widened at that.

"What? You don't think we're ready to joke about that? Fine, have it your way. And get a carriage ready if we're going to be so late."

Ranboo nodded, "As you wish, Master."


"What an absurd thing to say, Byrd, especially when there are children around!" Lady Eris exclaimed. The room was reeking with smoke from multiple cigars. Tubbo was seated in the captain's chair of the long dinner table-like surface. He wanted to leave. He hated business meetings. Especially with Lord Byrd.

"Oh, quiet down, he's old enough to hear what the men have to say, huh Toby?"

Tubbo glared at the older man for that. His face became a dusty shade of pink and his eyes narrowed.

"How many times have I told you not to call me by my birth-given name?"

The whole room was silenced for a second before Lord Byrd roared with laughter. Everyone else followed.

"The child thinks he can just order us around? Nonsense!"

Tubbo felt his cheeks get hot. He hated it. His eyebrows were knitted together and there was a visible scowl on his face. He hated his name, with a passion. It was the name of his father, his grandfather and the generation before him. All three of them had tainted their family name and Tubbo didn't want a repetition.

"If you will not respect my wishes, I may as well cancel our deal with my company." he asserted, not missing a beat. Lord Byrd stopped cackling. The whites of his eyes were more apparent as he widened them.

"SILENCE!" the older man boomed, making sure everyone stopped talking and chuckling at Tubbo's earlier words.

"...Thank you. As I was saying earlier, before Byrd came in with his vulgar comment, we should introduce a new marketing strategy. I have a feeling that children wouldn't enjoy the sight of a flimsy flyer. We need to redesign it and make it appealing to our younger audience."

Lady Eris raised a slender hand.

"Yes, Milady?"

Eris blushed.
"Well, as you know, we're all working together on this venture, so I was just wondering if it was possible to have the Innit residence help us since- you know, they're your family and all and they have experience with projects like this."

The Innit estate. Tubbo's least favourite place. There stood Tommy, Elizabeth and William Innit, the model family for all. Their family was still together, their family wasn't lost in a wretched fire caused by the dog.

Tubbo sighed. He knew it would come to this.

"Sure, go ahead, just don't mention me. It'll alter the process."

"Us? Talk to the Innits? You must not be earnest, you're presenting our idea to their company. You're cousins with the brat anyway," Byrd returned, anger clear in his voice.

"Byron! Tommy Innit cannot be subjected to that disrespectful comment, you know that all too well!" Eris scolded.

Byrd and Eris continued bantering while Tubbo wallowed in stress. He had no choice in the matter, it was either he conversed with his exterior family or his hotel would potentially crumble.

What was he to do?

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