part 1: the broken family

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Christie pov

I had just survived another night with my nightmares i checked the clock it was 6 AM and i saw the date it was my birthday and i was scared due to the fact that my older sister Michelle bullies me and scares me all the time and sometimes she would do it with her friends i had got up from my room to see my twin brother so i walked up to him and spoke

Christie: hey bro how are you

Y/n: I'm doing great and did you stay up all night again christen?

Christie: yes I'm sorry bro it's just hard to sleep now and days

Y/n: hey no need to say sorry come and sit on the couch with me and by the way happy birthday sis and remember i love you.

I felt my checks heat up a bit when he said that i always liked him but we're siblings and i don't think our moms would like that

Christie: i love you to bro.

I said as i went to sleep on his lap

Y/n pov

She went to sleep well might aswell stay right here so she can sleep as i was relaxing I turned the tv on and watched a show a few minutes later someone came in it was Elizabeth

Elizabeth: hey bro how you doing

Y/n: I'm doing good right now just letting Christie rest for a bit.

When Elizabeth looked down and saw her i could've sworn i saw a jealous look on her face but i decided to not pay any attention to it

Y/n: so got any plans for today?

Elizabeth: no not really besides spending the day with Christie.

Y/n: ok then.

Timeskip to party

Elizabeth: hey do you want one of those plushies?

Christie: *yawn* yea sure i don't have that one yet that's the bonnie?

Elizabeth: yea there are like a thousand of them we can pull together if you want.

Christie: yea sure.

Michelle: hey loser happy birthday.

Christie: Michelle stop.

??: yea Michelle stop she's gonna cry.

Elizabeth: are you serious back off it's Christie's birthday.

??: can it you little bi##h.

??: wow can't even defend yourself your little sister is kind of a pushover

Michelle: i know right it's hilarious.

Christie: your creeping me out I'll tell mom.

Michelle: if you wanna keep that little bear you won't tell mom sh#t.

??: this is far to sad to even watch.

Michelle: since it's her birthday why not help her get a closer look at fred bear.

Y/n pov

I saw michelle and her friends puck up christie when they did i ran to them trying to get them to stop but one of her friends pushed me into a table knocking me out

Elizabeth pov

I just saw one of Michelle's friends push my little brother into a table i ran up to him

Elizabeth: little bro are you ok *shakes him* bro can you please wake up this isn't funny *grabs the back of his head and feels something wet* what is this?

I looked down at my hand and i saw blood

Elizabeth: *scared* Michelle!

Michelle pov

As i was getting closer to fred bear for the harmless prank i heard Elizabeth yell my name so i answered

Michelle: what!

Elizabeth: he has blood coming out of the back of his head i need help to take him to mom!

When I heard that i told them to continue with the prank and I left to see my little brother only to see blood coming out so i ran to get mom

Christie pov

As they put me in fred bear's mouth i was scared

Christie: please get me out of here please I'm scared.

But they didn't listen and all of a sudden everything went black

Michelle pov

I heard a chomp sound and when i looked up i saw my younger sister's head mushed up and i saw mom run to her

Willow pov

My daughter i don't know what happened i looked over to my eldest who was crying and I saw my only boy knocked out in her legs i didn't know what to do but i promise Christie i will be a better mom and try my hardest to keep everyone safe I'm sorry i failed to save you

Time skip after Elizabeth death

Y/n pov

I couldn't handle it I'm sitting in my room crying i haven't came out in weeks since Elizabeth died if only she had listened to mom and stayed away from circus baby when i finally left my room i heard both of my moms yelling and the front door slamming shut

Me,mom,and Michelle started watching tv until and announcement came on and we saw moms dead body and i broke completely down

Time skip after Michelle death

It's been such a long time I'm 15 and alone everyone i know is dead and i couldn't save non of them so since i couldn't handle all of the guilt i went to a bridge and i jumped off dieing on impact everything went black and i woke up and saw that i was in the sky but i felt and extra part on my body i looked back only to see 3 sets of black wings i looked around and i saw that i was still on Earth but in the clouds

Time skip

I was relaxing until i felt something pull me in i looked down and saw a portal open up below me and it took me when i fell i got up and saw a bunch of people looking down at me they were animatronics well more like the ones my mother killed since when i tried to save her i saw them on the floor scattered and i saw their souls so it wasn't hard to notice

I was looking around only to see my mother in a spot sleeping so i walked up to her despite them telling me not to and shook her

Y/n: wake up.

No response so i said the only thing that was smart

Y/n: someone broke the toaster and coffee maker.

When I said that i turned myself into a kid and she woke up and saw me she was almost in tears and i was smiling at her

Y/n: hey mom how are you.

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