part 11: a hard past

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Y/n pov

It has been a few months after all of my family died and I was alone but not anymore since I have been dating this girl her name is yuno gasai and she has been helping me out with recovering and confronting me I'm on my way to see her right now

Timeskip to her place

I got into her house since she gave me a key but when I did I heard what it sounded like was a bed creaking and moaning I really hope that she isn't cheating but then again she has been showing the symptoms of it so I went to where I heard it and I opened the door only a little bit only to find out that my hunch was right

Y/n: so this is what you've been doing yuno.

Yuno: uhh y/n it's not what it looks like.

Y/n: not what it looks like yuno you just gave your virginity to a random dude why?

Yuno: because you weren't gonna take it.

Y/n: maybe if you gave me enough time to get over the fact that all of my family is dead then I would've you slut.

Yuno went quite after I called her that

Y/n: I'm leaving and dude if you know any better if she cheated on me she might cheat on you so find someone better than her.

After I said that I left I didn't even cry because it's not the worst thing I went through

Yuno pov

After my now ex left I felt nothing but anger so u grabbed the knife I always have in my room and killed the man I cheated with and grabbed my phone

Yuno: So he thinks that he can just get away from me I'm glad that I didnt tell him about my future diary.

So I looked at my phone to see where he was and he was going to a bridge so I got my clothes back on and ran out of my house

Y/n pov

I was sitting down on a bridge thinking what if I just end it all here I mean no one Is gonna miss me my family is already dead my best friend chara is gone thanks to those villagers and my ex cheated so I just said my goodbyes to this cruel world and jumped

Yuno pov

I got to the bridge but it was to late he had jumped to his death I looked over the bridge and saw his body on the ground I checked my phone

Yuno: that's odd.

It says that he is right in front of me but I can't see him does that mean that he's a angle or he is in the sky it won't matter

Yuno: I'm coming back to save you baby and I won't make the same mistake again.

Flashback end

Y/n pov

I just woke up from a dream I had of my ex i felt my bed and felt two people in it i checked it and it was sasha and annie

Y/n: what are you two doing in my bed?

Sasha: isn't it obvious we're sleeping with you.

Annie: you don't have a problem with it do you?

Y/n: nope not at all.

Sasha: that's good now lay back down and go to sleep.

Y/n: alright laying back down goodnight you two.

Both of them: goodnight

Screen cuts to black

???: my phone has lead me to Japan so I guess I'll look for him here don't worry sweetheart I won't let those sluts take you anywhere and they won't take you from me.

The unknown girl starts to laugh psychologically it the screen shows some light only to reveal

The unknown girl starts to laugh psychologically it the screen shows some light only to reveal

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