2. Secret Relationship

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(Previously in the BrightWin Diaries Bright Win received Last warning from principal, Man and Type kissed in washroom and planned for quality time, Yash heard everything)

Next Morning

Both Bright and Win are all set for today's football match against each other.

"Man Broo, I am leaving for the Football Match, see ya," Bright said as he puts on his shoes, Man walks out of his bedroom after he hears Bright
"Please, Don't get involved in a fight with Win, stay calm or the principal will kick you out of the campus"
"Okay, Type bhaiya I'll not initiate any argument. By the way, you are not gonna come to cheer me?" -Win
"No, I have some project to complete." Type says
"Okay then, see you in the evening." Bright  takes his bag and walks to the door

"Good luck" his brother gives him a small hug.

(The above scene is going parallelly)

Type and Man come to their respective balconies exchanges a shy smile while waiting for Bright and Win to leave. As Bright and Win were out of their sight, Type goes to Man's house.

Bright, Win reaches the ground. Yash was waiting for Bright with a worried look on his face.
"Hey, buddy" Bright waves at him.
"Bro, I need to tell you something."

Win walks to the football field and saw Priya standing there, as she saw him she takes a few steps towards him to tell him about the principal's orders

"WHAT!" Win exclaims in horror

"You heard me Win, You and Bright will be in the same team. You guys are gonna play with each other and not against each other."

"What's wrong with this Principal! I was planning to make him change his name from Win to Lose." Bright groans in annoyance.

"But you have no choice, bruh." Yash pats his shoulder.

The Principal called both Bright and Win and told Win that he will be playing for Bright he also informed them that the match is postponed for the next 3  hour due to some reasons.
"Bright give Win the extra jersey of your team" the principal ordered

"Sir, the extra jersey is not with me right now, it's at my place."

"Then take Win to your place, so that he can get changed. And you both can also befriend each other."

"But Sir I don't wanna take part in today's match," Win says politely."

"You can't just say no Win, We already have a limited player you should play not just for the team but for the sake of our university. Now go and get charged."

Win just nodded and glanced at Bright who was already looking at him with no expressions.
Bright sighs "Let's go"
"sighs!" Win follows Bright

Yash looks at Priya with a eye roll and suspicious smirk on his face, she slightly raises her eyebrows at him as she is confused.

Bright and Win take their bikes, Bright observes that the tyre of his bike is a puncture.
"WTF! This is the worst day."

'Will cursing the day makes it better' Win talks to himself
"Get on my bike," Win asks Bright

"No need, I'll book a cab."

"We don't have the whole day, And I'm not at all interested in giving you a ride."

"What a day! Okay, but I'll ride the bike."


"Cause we are going to my place."

"But this is my bike so I'll ride you."
"Fine, we are not going anywhere then."

"Arguing with you is just a waste of time, you drive but be careful."

"Don't tell me how to ride."

Bright smirks and get on the bike, Win sits behind him.

As they were about to reach their place the Bike stops in the way, the indicator indicating that the fuel tank is empty.

"You are such bad luck," Win curses Bright

"Your legs are broken or what, our house next to this building, let's go now."

After walking for 5 minutes the reaches Bright's house "Don't make noise or else you'll disturb Manav bhaiya, he is doing some project" Bright informs Win before entering the house. When the entered the living room going to Bright's room upstairs they heard some noises coming from Man's room. Exchanging a look Bright and Win walks towards Man's room, the door is half-open. They both were shocked at the sight of two naked guys (ManType) having sex.
Disgusted Bright opens the door with a bang. Man and Type startled, Type pushed him from the bed. Type covers himself with the blanket.

"What the fuck you guys are doing?!" Win exclaimed

Man dropped on the floor

Win - Shiaaaaaaa
Bright slaps his face in annoyance. Type is just looking between Man and BrightWin.

"Get dressed and come to the living room, we need to talk." Bright says and walks to the living room followed by Win.

(In The Living Room)

Man and Type get dressed and comes to the living room.

"What was going on in their Bhai(bro), huh?" Win asks Type

"Wait, are you guys ???" I Bright questioned Man

"Yes, since the last 4 years we guys are dating." Man answers

"Wow! and here I thought my brother shares his every secret with me. Great! Type bhai just wow." Win said sarcastically

"We thought-" Type was cut by Bright

"What you guys thought, If you guys told us we would look down on you ?"

"Type bhai(bro), why did you told me about this and kept it a secret from me. I am disappointed bro." Win said disappointed

"Why should we tell you, when you guys just keep fighting like dogs and cats" Type looks angry

Bright and Win went silent.

"And was it gonna make any difference???, were you guys gonna stop yous fights ??  Man takes a pause and looks at Bright Win "We thought one day you guys will become friends and then we would have told you."

"Cause of the fights we have to keep our relationship a secret from you guys, we were not able to share our happiness and pain. Would you guys have been nice to each other if we told you about us?"

"We both never celebrated festival and birthdays together, we live next to each other but still it feels like a long-distance relationship.

Man got emotional and Bright hugs him.

"Sorry, bhai very sorry." Win apologise to Type and received a head pat from him

"Man bhai tell me what you want me to do that makes you happy?" Bright asks

Man and Type look at each other. Then Type whispers something in Man's ear they both looks at Bright and Win.
Bright's and Win's eyes widen in horror as if they understand what's their brothers demand
"No, Nooo, NO WAY!" Both of them exclaims in unison.

(TO BE CONTINUED....  Every Tuesday & Friday)

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