Doki Doki - Minmin

940 23 10

Warnings: death, psychopathic tendencies, knives, blood, gore, mentions of sex

(Inspired by doki doki literature club)


Hyunjin put his arms around Seungmin as he whined to the younger, "Seungminnn! Let's read this book together!"

Seungmin smiled as he sat in a desk next to Hyunjin, "what book is it?"

Hyunjin scooted closer to Hyunjin, "It's a manga called 'I want to eat your pancreas'! It's fairly sad actually.."

Hyunjin scoot his chair next to Seungmin and rested his head on his shoulder, "What are you doing?" Seungmin asked.

"Showing you affection because I love you!"

Seungmin giggled and ruffled his hair. Minho sat in the corner of the room watching the two, "Hey Hyunjin? Do you mind staying with me after the club is over. I need help moving some boxes."

Hyunjin frowned and slumped back into his chair, "Awww come on Minho hyung," Hyunjin whined, "I was going to walk home with Seungmin today.."

"Well too bad because you need to move all of your manga out of the storage closet."

Hyunjin pouted, "Fine. Sorry I can't walk home with you today Minnie.."

Seungmin smiled and ruffled the boy's hair causing jealousy to spark inside of Minho.


Minho tossed a volume of a manga at Hyunjin.

"Hey! Watch what you're doing with that. You could've hurt me!"

Although that was Minho's intention, he muttered "sorry" before getting back to work.

Minho brought a knife out of his back pocket and slowly made his way over to Hyunjin.

"What book is that?" Minho asked with fake curiosity.

"It's called Therapy Game-"

"Isn't that a boys' love manga? With sexual scenes in it?"

Hyunjin tightened his grip on the book, frightened of Minho's tone, " is..why..?"

"Don't you wish Seungmin would do those things to you; what the boys did in that book?"

Hyunjin felt his face get warm. He looked down at his lap, "I-..I don't know what you're talking about.."

Minho moved closer to Hyunjin, "Do you touch yourself while thinking about him?"

Hyunjin let his mouth hang slightly agape; his face extremely red, "Minho hyung what are you talking about..?! Where is this all coming from hyung..?!"

"You like Seungmin right?"

Hyunjin hesitantly nodded.

Minho fiddled with the knife behind his back, "That sucks.."

Hyunjin pressed his thighs together, looking down at his hands, "What-..What do you mean..?"

"What if he doesn't like you back? Wouldn't that be a shame..?"

Hyunjin felt tears weld in his eyes, "Hyung you're scaring me! Please stop..."

Minho pushed Hyunjin up against the wall, wrapping his hand around the boy's neck, "Sinner."

Minho brought the knife out from behind him; pushing it into the boy's abdomen then covering the boy's mouth to muffle his screams, "oops.."

Hyunjin's body shook as tears violently streamed down his face; Minho twisting the knife inside the boy, cutting his organs, "Mmm, good boy. Be quiet for me."

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