After work

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After showing Addie around Iruka sat at his desk and looked over at her as she doodled on the board.

"What are you drawing?" Asked Iruka putting his feet on his desk.

Addie would continue drawing on the board "Nothing exactly just doodling" she answered.

Iruka looked out the window and then back at Addie. "I promised Naruto I would take him to Ichiraku Ramen. You can go with us if you like" Iruka said getting up and walking over to the her.

Addie paused for a moment thinking that this could possibly be fake. "Of course" she stuttered still thinking of this being a dream. She erased the board not letting Iruka see the finished drawing and looked back at him. Iruka had a soft smile one that made her feel safe and warm so how could she possibly pass up this offer.

Iruka x AddieWhere stories live. Discover now