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I woke up with a pounding headache as I looked up. I was not I my dorm, I was in-

What the fuck.

I am cuddling with Draco Malfoy! What's going on. I quickly looked over to see Draco passed out. Blaise's bed is made with dirty clothes on the floor so obviously he left. I looked at the time, 20 minutes before the train leaves. Oh shit.

"Draco Malfoy wake up right now!" I slapped him as he groaned sitting up. "Why didn't you wake me up!" I shouted sitting up too fast as my vision went blurry.

"Shit we need to go." He rushed getting out of bed as I scoffed.

"Well look it's Sherlock Holmes." I smiled at him as he scoffed.

"I will meet you outside of the hufflepuff dorms just go get your stuff. We probably will miss the train. I will apparate you to your house." He said hooping to put on his shoes.

"What happened last night?" I walked to the door as he looked up meeting his eyes.

"I will tell you on our way but for now I will meet you in five minutes just hurry. Now." He stated sternly as I quickly nodded walking out and down the stairs. The common room was empty, the corridors were empty. No one was here. Everyone was on the train going to home, where I wish I was.

I quickly ran through the corridors with my clothes on from yesterday. I don't have time to shower. I ran through the hufflepuff common room and up to my dorm. My dorm mates bed tucked into the frame, and all of her stuff gone as I quickly panicked.

I picked up my suitcases and out in some perfume with some baggy jeans and sneakers. I threw on a puffy coat as I headed out opening the painting to see Draco waiting for me in a perfectly clean suit with his hair nice. And then there was me, who looked like she just rolled out of bed.

He quickly started walking faster as I caught up still with my pounding headache. "Here." He threw a bottle of water at me as I caught it "drink all of it." He stared at me as I nodded sucking down the water as we ran through the corridors.

I wanted to ask what happened last night. I obviously got drunk "we didn't fuck you know." He scoffed.

I looked up shocked "oh of course I know. Why would we."

"You looked like you were really stressing out about that whole situation." He laughed. I liked this side of Draco better.

"I mean- no I am not." I looked at him.

"I am going to be there for you, like you wanted to be there for me. I will talk to you about it eventually not now but I am going to protect you. You're not getting hurt." He fixed his tie, still with his stone cold face.

"I thought you hated me."

"I have this off feeling that I need to be with you and make sure you are okay and that's what I am going to do." He muttered as I looked down at my feet. So Draco and I are friends?




"So what happened last night?" I quickly asked as we made it to the courtyard.

"Long story short, you showed up drunk and wanted to have a sleepover with me so you slept in my bed." He looked around making sure no one was looking.

He grabbed onto my hand as I looked down shocked "don't be too flattered, you want to get home don't you? Where do you live?" He asked as I told him before he nodded whispering something as we twisted and turned. We landed in front of my home as I crunched over. I felt sick, and with my hangover that was not helping.

I saw my mum run through the house as she ran out into the yard "sage where were you! We were worried sick?!" She ran over, obviously he was worried sick when she was just in the kitchen doing dishes humming her favorite song "are you sick? Hurt?- and who is this." She straightened up her chin. She knew it was Draco Malfoy.

"Draco Malfoy." He muttered as his face stayed stone cold.

"Mhm and sage when did you become friends with slytherins?" She stated in front of Draco as my heart stopped.

"Don't do that mum, not fair whatsoever. Goodbye Draco thank you for taking me home. I will see you back at Hogwarts." I smiled at him as he nodded leaving in a poof of black smoke. "Mother how dare you." I spat turning away from her grip walking towards our house. She always does this, she makes everyone seem that we are so perfect and when everyone is gone she hates me.

"Don't you dare walk away from me sage!" She pointed her finger at me as I stood in place in front of the door.

"you said that in front of him?! Why wouldn't I?!" I scoffed.

"They are involved with deep shit. I don't want you around those slytherins." She spat as my mouth dropped open.

"Of course you don't, have you ever thought about me? How they are the first thing that has brought me happiness in the longest time?" I laughed.

"Oh don't tell me you are still grieving over that boy 2 years ago." She laughed back as I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"Wow, you are low mum but that was awful. I will be friends with them if I want. I could care less about your opinion." I smiled as I turned around almost opening the door before she opened her mouth again.

"You're in hufflepuff and raised by me aren't you supposed to be nice, caring, gentle?! Isn't that how I raised you or is it those slytherins that are changing you?" She spat as I turned around.

"I think it's them and I think it's made me a better person quite frankly. Because now I know that I am done dealing with your shit Jen." I stated opening and shutting the door as I ran up to my room.

I couldn't believe her, how could she say that?! 20 minutes ago I wished I was home, now I wished I was back at Hogwarts. I wish I had blaise, I wish he was here. But he isn't and he won't because he played me. He did.

I couldn't even begin to fathom how much trouble I was in right now. My mum is going to kill me, my brother will probably yell at me, my father- fuck he does nothing around here.

I layed back on my bed as I stared at the ceiling thinking of what I could have done to avoid all of this. To go back to that shy hufflepuff girl that never talked. To go back to the girl that was invisible, never seen. No one wanted her, no one hated her. Everyone thought of her as the loser that reads and does all of her homework, never the one to socialize with slytherins.

I hate it and I hate how I want blaise but he doesn't want me. I hate how I can't have him. I hate how I can't have him touch me like that again. I hate how much I want to hate him right now, I can't. I really liked him. I liked how he always would ask me if he could kiss me, how he would walk with me in the halls, how he would obsess over me and Fred even though we were nothing. The little things.

Those are gone now and I hate him. And that's the worst thing, I put that in my head- that I hate him, but it's not what I feel in my heart.

Now I have my whole family against me and the awful part about it is.

They might be right.


I ducked behind a tree just enough to hear their conversation. I felt horrible for sage. Her mum treated her like shit. I guess we have that in common just reversed. I always thought sage was that perfect hufflepuff, no insecurities, no family problems, no worries.

Seems I was wrong. Her and her mum don't have a great relationship and she looks like she's about to cry from the looks of it but sucks it in. I hate to see her sad and I don't know why I hate it so much. Just a week ago I hated her.

I know she still likes blaise and I can't believe blaise kicked her out after he fingered her. But blaise had a good reason.



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