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I sat in the train as I played with my suit arm. I waited and waited for sage to show up. Just to see her, not talk but see her. I need to see her face. Knowing that she was doing okay makes me better.

Suddenly the door slid open as Draco walked I laughing with someone behind him but he was too tall he was covering the person. Finally they came into view. Sage. They laughed as they sat down at a nearby compartment closer to the door. Draco faced me as sages back was to me.

Draco took her bag putting it overhead as he sat back down.


I saw her brown hair fall over the chair as my heart quickened.

Fall asleep blaise.

Fall asleep.

I couldn't shut my eyes. I couldn't.

I looked out the window the rest of the train ride trying not to look at sage and Draco being friends or- no no they aren't. Don't put that in your head blaise, don't do it. Please don't. I shook my head trying to get the thought of them being together out of my head but it wouldn't leave.

The train came to a halt they stood up still talking as Draco helped with her bag. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear smiling as she took it. Don't fucking fall for him sage. Anyone but malfoy.

They walked out as I got up walking out as well trailing behind them. I couldn't just go up to them- no that would be stupid so I kept my distance as we walked into the castle.

I sat down at the slytherin table as Draco sat across from me. Sage sat at hufflepuff. We looked at each other as I grabbed some food. "Well how are you mate don't fucking ignore me." Draco scoffed as he took a bite of food.

I jerked up my head to meet his eyes as I cleared my throat "um not that great. I see you are doing jolly good though." I smiled as he laughed.

"Fucks sake you think me and Davison are dating." He scoffed looking up at me "oh you're jealous because you left her and made her feel like shit the whole break just because you don't want to hurt her because your having an arranged marriage? Yeah blaise you already hurt her enough." My heart broke.

"Look mate I just didn't want it to get too serious and then I would have to get married to another woman." I stated.

"Or you guys could just run away at the end of the school year." He shrugged as i perked up. Not that bad- "oh please don't tell me you're actually considering my bullshit excuse to not get married."

"No no of course I'm not." I cleared my throat again "so you guys are close." I looked up as he shrugged.

"Um- I mean yeah quite close." He laughed "shocking."

"Very much." I laughed standing up and walking off.

"Zabini! The fuck?!" He shouted at me as I held up my middle finger at him and leaving the great hall.

I made my way to our dorm as my stuff was already there. I stood in front our bathroom mirror as I looked into it. I pushed water onto my face as I heard the door open.

"Malfoy I said leave me the fuck alone." I scoffed whipping my face off and almost walking out to see him "why are you two so close th-" I was cut off by seeing sage in my dorm. Sage Davidson in my dorm.

"Blaise." She breathed "I know you said good bye and I know I know but I just needed to see you." She said softly and something switched in me. Part of me needed her, I need her.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me but blaise-" I walked up to her as I put my finger over her mouth.

"Please stop talking sage." I whispered.

"One time." She whispered back as I nodded. She leaned in and kissed me. Her soft lips hit mine as I pushed her to the bed. Her body was limp as she was craving for me. She wanted me too. "Blaise only this once, we can't do it again." She looked up at me as I nodded kissing down her chest. She pulled off her shirt

Her back arched as my lips hit every part of her. The door jingled as she looked up, I pushed her back down as she moaned. I quickly put my hand over her mouth.

"Zabini let me in." Draco said on the other side of my door. I quickly scrambled out of bed.

"Shit hide under there." I whispered pushing her under my bed as she quickly did and I walked up to the door breathless letting Draco in.

"Look sorry me and sage are so close if it's that big of a deal to you." He scoffed putting his bag away as I stood in the middle of the room.

"Yeah all good." I rushed as he turned and looked at Me.

"Oh don't tell me you were just screwing a girl on the first day zabini, damn new record for you mate." He laughed as i snickered.

"Fuck off, and no I wasn't." I said.

"Whatever you say, I will now be leavinggg." Draco smirked as he shut the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I looked under the bed.

"I am just going to leave." She muttered.


"Because the moment is ruined and- and there was never a moment." Her head held high as I did too.

"You are right Davidson, never ever a moment." I led her out of the dorm "I don't want to speak to you again." I cleared my throat.

"Feelings mutual." She nodded her head "goodbye." She quickly ran out as Draco appeared.

"Fucking hell zabini, you mate, you can really do it." He laughed as my mouth was dropped open before he pushed past my figure and walking into our room.

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