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Authors note #1
I don't really attend on making this Adopted by Magcon like all the others out there so hopefully it's something different. Also I hope it's more accurate then my other one.

Aliyah's pov

"Aliyah are you ready?" My mother hollered from downstairs.

"Coming" I shouted back. I zipped up my coat and ran down the stairs.
I smiled at my mom as we both walked out of the garage door and into the garage. Like normally I got in the passenger side and she got into the driver seat.

"Are you sure you want to go today? The roads are really bad" she questioned. I had a compilation in three days and I wasn't going to loss. I need as much practice as I can get.

"I'm sure" I rolled my eyes. This had to be like the 30th time I was telling her I wanted to practice today. I watched out the window at all the snow falling heavily from the sky. I could barely see anything.

"I can't see" She said moving her head around trying to find a angel that showed the road. My heart beat sped up when I saw a truck driving right in front of us.

"Mom watch out!" I screamed, i clinched my fist together as she stepped on the break trying to avoid the semi. When I opened my eyes we were still driving. Instant relief.

"Goodness" my mother gasped.
I thought that was it right there, the end. I took a deep breath and realized we had all ready made it to Ski Crescent the local skiing/ snowboarding resort in Iowa.

"Looks like we made it" mom smiled happily. I gave her a hug before I got out of the car. I opened the trunk and pulled out my bag.
"I will pick you up at 5, call me if you need anything" she said from the front seat. I gave her a thumbs up and ran into the lodge with my friends Hailey and Danny.

When I got inside we hung around for a minute before getting dressed. After about 15 minutes I started pulling on my snow pants and coat. We grabbed our boards and headed out to the slopes.

She's the man (adopted by Magcon)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin