Truth or Dare Cullen style

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This is my first book so be nice plz

Chapter 1

"I'm soooo bored" complained Emmett. " well what do you want to do" asked jasper. Suddenly Emmett grinned. "We're not playing" said Edward from upstairs after reading Emmett's mind. "Yes you are Eddie boy especially if you don't want Carlisle to know what you did last week" said Emmett. "What are we play" asked Alice. "Truth or dare" replied Emmett. "Yaaaaay" squealed Alice. "Even Esme and Carlisle are playing so no sneaking out you two" said Emmett. "Ok" sighed Carlisle

Round 1

"So who's goin first" asked alice. "Meeeeeeeeeeee" screamed Emmett . " Esme truth or dare" asked Emmett. "Truth" replied Esme "when was the last time you and Carlisle got caught having sex" snickered emmett. " last week by Edward" replied an embarrassed Esme. "Hey Eddie did you enjoy the show " Emmett laughed. " my eyes still burn from it" frown Edward . "Truth or dare Alice" Esme asked "dare mom" replied Alice . " I dare you to burn all your clothes and not go shopping for a month" Esme said while grinning evilly. "What are the consequences" asked Alice "you have to walk around naked wherever you go for two weeks" cackled Esme ."fine" said Alice getting up and taking off her clothes.everyone howled with laughter as Alice sat the naked and frowning. " Esme you are evil"cried Alice "hey blame emmett" said esme. "Truth or dare Carlisle" asked alice. "Dare" replied Carlisle instantly regretting his decision. Alice smiled "I dare you to not touch Esme for a decade" "what!" Screamed both Carlisle and esme. Everyone just laughed. "That what you get for making me walk around naked mom" laughed alice. " when did you become so devious" boomed Emmett " I learned from the best dear brother" smiled Alice "rolsalie truth or dare" asked Carlisle "truth" replied rose " if you could would you have sex with jasper?" Asked Carlisle " yes but only to see what it's like" replied rose a little embarrassed "Bella truth or dare" asked rose "dare me sis" replied Bella "I dare you to kiss Esme for five minutes" replied rose "sorry mom but I hate being naked in front of others" said Bella as she leaned in to kiss Esme after five minutes were up they broke apart. "Truth or dare jasper" said Bella "truth" replied jasper "did you enjoy watching me and Esme kiss" asked Bella " yes" said a highly embarrassed jasper. Everyone roared with laughter at him. " truth or dare emmett" asked jasper "dare as always' replied Emmett " I dare you to kiss Bella every time some does a dare" said jasper "ok" replied Emmett as he leaned in and kissed bella. After they broke apart Emmett had a shocked look on his face. " what's wrong emmett" asked rose " wow Bella is a better kisser than you babe sorry" replied emmett Edward growled. " oh really" replied rose "let's see then" she said leaning to kiss Emmett then moved to kiss bella" " wow you are a great kisser Bella" replied rose shocked. "I know" smiled Bella " truth or dare eddie" asked Emmett "truth and don't calle eddie" growled Edward " what was the last sex position you and Bella here tried out" boomed Emmett Edward growled " the jackhammer" he replied fuming . Everyone roared with laughter except for Edward and bella.

Well that's the end of round 1 hope you like it. I need some more ideas for dares so if u have any plz comment thanks

Chapter 2

Round two

"Truth or dare" asked Edward . "Dare eddie" replies rose "I dare you to not wear any new clothes for a month" laughed Edward "if I dont" growled rose "then you can't touch Emmett for a month" replied Edward grinning evilly " fine" rose replied "no new clothes for a month. Alice truth or dare asked rose. Dare replied Alice. I dare you to dance naked in the mall laughed rose. Fine lets go grumbled Alice.

Ok guys so I won't b continuing this story because I don't have enough readers and followers sorry to anyone who was reading this i mite create a new one in the future if I can get some followers though until next time peace

Ok so because of some readers that asked me very nicely to finish the story I will but ill only be able to update on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays and the weekend maybe because I'm in college so tonight ill update for u guys thanks to those who messaged me and inspired me to finish until tonight guys peace.

Chapter 3

"Bella truth or dare" asked Alice "dare" replied Bella "I dare u to wear Edward'a clothes to school for a month" laughed Alice. "And if I don't' retorted Bella " then everywhere u go u have to be naked for a week" grinned alice. "Ugh fine i'll wear his clothes" huffed Bella.

I no it's short but I couldn't think of anymore dares funny enough to put in the story ill try to update sometime soon no promises though till then peace folks .

Chapter 4

"Truth or dare jasper" asked Bella "dare" replied jasper Bella grinned evilly at him. " I dare you to destroy all of alice's clothes" laughed Bella jasper and Alice looked at Bella horrified while Emmett high fives her "what's the consequences if I don't " asked jasper " then you will have to destroy your own clothes and go on a six hour shopping trip with Alice" laughed Bella at that jasper's face went even paler. "pick one or I'll pick for you" said Bella "wow I did not know you could be so evil sis" Emmett said "I learned from the best" replied Bella. "fine sorry Alice I love you but I don't think I can handle six hours of shopping" jasper said as he raced upstairs where a few seconds later you could hear fabric tearing. everyone except Alice bursts out laughing. " you are so dead bella" fumed Alice " bring it midget pixie" grinned Bella

Ok guys so after this little update I'm gonna be really busy with school so if you guys have any suggestions on truths or dares do not hesitate to leave them in the comments the next chapter will start a whole new game and somebody will be in serious trouble

Ps Bella is a vampire but she didn't have renesmee however I'm thinking of adding her in as a werewolf and her and jake are brother and sister instead let me know what u guys think

Ok guys so I will be updating this story soon but first I need you guys opinion on another short story I want to start it will be called 50 Things Alice Cullen is Not Allowed ToDo I need at least 10 votes by next Saturday then I'll start writing it thanks again for reading my story

Ok so I've been meaning to update but I need some help inbox me funny dares to put in my story and the first 20 people to do this will get a follow back from me thanks

Truth or Dare  Cullen styleWhere stories live. Discover now