Chapter 28 - Mr.2, Bon Clay the Ballerina

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Now there was the Straw Hats heading to Alabasta. (Y/N) of course is sleeping as usual until they  they arrive at the kingdom that Vivi lives in. Speaking of which, she was with Nami to navigate through the sea on the balcony.

Nami: "There's no mistake. This ship is heading straight to Alabasta."

Vivi: "I'll be there soon..." she looks out at the sea before changing her eyes to Sanji and Luffy.

Sanji: "LUFFY! DON'T LIE! Tell me what you know. Hey, why are you looking away? Look me in the eyes!" he pinched the rubber man's face before letting go.

Luffy: "Well, seriously... I don't know anything." he did a fish face while waving his hand side to side.

(Y/N): "Thats such a horrible lie..." he woke up seeing what was happening.

Sanji: "Let me tell you something then. Did you eat the food at night that was meant for us which I carefully divided so it'd last until we arrive to Alabasta?" he ask making Luffy move his pupils back and forth.

All that Luffy did was a soft burp. Then Sanji tricked him by saying there's something around his mouth, now he found out who it was he quickly kicked Luffy across the boat. Then Sanji returned to normal when he asked Nami to buy a lockable refrigerator. Then on the railing near the edge of the sea was Usopp, Chopper and Karoo fishing and chewing something in their mouth.

(Y/N): "Better catch something, or it'll catch you." he warned them of Sanji.

Usopp: "Right...! We'd better catch something fast for Sanji to cook up..."

Sanji: "So, anything on the line yet?" he approached them making them to swallow the remain food in their mouth.

Usopp didn't have any lies to tell before his head and Karoo head was held before crashing them into Chopper's. (Y/N) gave a glare to Sanji to warn him to not harm the animals which worked. That's when (Y/N) gave a slow pat on the back of the chef before getting absolutely punched by him.

(Y/N): "It seems that you don't learn...*snore*" he went back to sleep leaving Vivi and Nami in shock.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) pranking Nami with ink around the telescope's lens-

Now some time has passed by (Y/N) decided to wake up. The only reason he woke up is because of Luffy's stomach growling, he looked over to see him and Usopp fishing. Luffy was talking about how hungry he was, Usopp yelled at him because it was his captain's fault for eating the bait. Vivi came over to see.

(Y/N): "Morning sleeping beauty." he yawned rubbing his eye.

Vivi: "Morning, so Luffy-san. Usopp-san. Have you got a bite yet?" as she says that she hears a familiar scream.

(Y/N): "It that who I think it is? *looks down* KAROO?!" he yelled saving the duck and petting for comfort, he turned his head slowly at the two who didn't even get the chance to run.

Vivi: "WHAT WERE YOU BOTH THINKING?!" she yelled at the two before they apologized.

Then, off the distance. They see some clouds that was mixed with green. They were intrigued in it, Luffy wonder if it was cotton candy but Vivi immediately ran to Nami to tell that there's a problem. Once Nami took a look, she told them there's nothing to worry about, it was just steam.

(Y/N): "Then that means, it's a hot spot." Luffy asked what was it.

Nami: "It's an area where magma is produced. There's an undersea volcano underneath that area." she explained making Luffy understand.

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