Chapter 5

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Quick information
{ } - means they are on the phone

" " - talking

' ' - whispering

~ ~ - writing

And the two new family
Is Drista and lani :D

When dream got home he went to his room and changed
(Schlatt is still awake but puffy and tubbo are asleep) dream went down stairs to have a drink but he saw schlatt talking to somebody on the phone {I'm sure they will love them} schlatt said "who are you talking too uncle schlatt?" Dream said schlatt turns around and said "it's a secret dream you should go to sleep now" dream nodded and went to his room (he didnt get his drink :'[ anyways)

•▪︎¤[Time skip]¤▪︎•

Dream woke up then got ready for school when dream got ready he went down stairs
And saw the whole family and two young girls dream went down and they all looked at him "who are they?" Said dream "they are the new family members dream!" Puffy said dream smiled and introduced himself the two girls smiled "I'm lani and this is Drista!" Lani said while Drista just waved "well I have to go c'mon tubbo!" Dream said while tubbo notices they were late schlatt went out too and sent the two boys to school

I'm so sorry if it's short I had to rush it cuz I'm in class
One incorrect quote

A gc full of Simps



The bee:Oh! oh! British! that was British!

Okay bye!
A crown for you!
(248 words)

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