Got Any Plan?

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As soon as Marvy left, the girls looked at each other. "Any ideas?" asked Sincerity. "Hmm...Where is the first thing that we should go to?" asked Saura. At the mention of their first destination, Serenity opened the book that Marvy gave her and showed it to the others. "It seems like the closest is the Land of Seasons." observed Kaycei. "The second?" asked Sincerity. "Hmm...It seems like the book won't show us." said Saura. It is true there is nothing else shown in the book other than the Land of Seasons. "Marvy said to plan for our quest and she gave us a broken book to help us." said Sincerity. "Calm down Sissy, I'm pretty sure the book is like that for a reason." said Saura trying to calm Sincerity down. "Well, at least the book showed us the Land of Seasons." said Kaycei. "It is true...but how will we get there with a dragon? Won't the neighborhood notice?" asked Serenity.

The Soul Sisters and The Charm of WishesWhere stories live. Discover now