The assassins competition

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Good morning to me myself and i.
*Phone starts ringing*
Huh? Why would someone call me so early in the morning... wait, why would anyone call me?! I'm pretty sure only my friends have my number and I killed them all, this is odd well maybe they have the wrong number.
*picks up the phone*
"Hello miss Diana."
Wait so this isn't the wrong number?
"How do you know my name?"
"If you wish to know come to picklebarry street house number 37 tomorrow at 5pm."
*hangs up*
"Wait what?! Hey, I'm not done talking to you!"
Ugh does he not know that anyone that's seen & knows that I'm an assassin didn't make it out alive?
Maybe he wants to hire me for a job,
No! That doesn't make sense everyone knows that you can only hire me through the phone or else I'll kill you too, plus Ive never given out my phone number.
I give it only to my targets, you can contact me only through my email.
Damn it have I been found?
Geez now I'm curious, guess I'll have to find out.
*The next day at 4:30*
I should probably go now, where did he say to meet him?...
Oh yeah, picklebarry street.
Wait isn't that the street known for the mafias headquarters?!
Is the guy who talked to me part of the mafia? Have the mafia tracked me down?
Oops I'm getting lost in my thoughts, I need to go see this guy.
*arrives at the house*
This really does look like a house a mafia boss would own.
*walks into the house*
"Ok show your sel-"
"Huh who are you?" Says an odd looking man.
"Who are you" Diana reply's.
*They both jump to the opposite sides of the room ready to kill, they were about to pull out their weapons when an image of a hat appeared on a TV screen*
"Hello fellow assassins"
*A voice comes out of the screen*
Fellow assassins? So this guy is an assassin too?
"WAIT A SECOND this little girl is an assassin?!?!?"
"Hey! I'm not little."
"Oh yeah? How old are you?"
"I- I'm 17..."
"WHAT?! How the hell is a 17 year old an assassin?"
"Non of your beeswax!
Anyways continue."
"You have been summoned to complete a task, assassinate this young man"
*an image of a good looking young man appeared on the screen*
"His name is Milo Bimbex he's a high schooler at Pando academy and he has knowledge of something the mafia doesn't want anyone to find out about"
"What is this 'thing' you don't want people to know about?"
"That is classified"
"Fine you don't want to tell me I'll figure it out myself, but I do NOT work with other people I work alone!"
"Yes we know that you work alone, in fact you will be working alone"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean this is a competition, who will kill the young man first?"
"And what reason do I have to waste my time on a competition?"
"Well whoever wins this competition will receive 10 billion yen"
"Ten billion?!"The mafia is really desperate of keeping this 'secret'.
Well, can't say no to that much money... "fine I accept."
"Great, by the way you two are not the only assassins we hired"
"There's more?! Ugh.
I have a question..."
"Do I have permission to take out the other assassins?"
"Yes you do, if you manage to kill another assassin it just means that he or she wasn't strong enough.
if they can't get through the assassins they're not powerful enough to finish the job"
"Hey little girl you sound pretty confident."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You really think your ALL THAT?"
"Ok then if your 'so powerful' you should be a well known assassin, what's your name?"
"My name? Diana la-brouge."
"D- Diana la-brouge? The number two assassin in the world?!"
"Oh you know me? Huh I didn't know I was famous."
"I'm so sorry for disrespecting you miss Diana!"
"It's fine I'll let you off the hook this time, what's your name?"
"M- my name is Rucit Louis."
"Ohhhh I've heard about you before, your that sniper."
"Yeah that's me."
"Ok Rucit I hope you'll be a worthy rival, Bye bye now."
*she walks out*

Diana la-brougeWhere stories live. Discover now