Stace POV
I woke up hearing sierra talking to James. At least he'd open the door. Chris came out and sat next to me.
Chris- morning.
Me- morning highlighter.
Chris- you so childish. Sierra in there?
Me- yea. She talking to James.
Chris- that's good. Im sorry I put my hands on ya brother
Me- he was disrespecting ya girl I get it.
I point to the hallway and he nods saying yes to moving.
He helps me up and we go further down the hallway.
Me- so wassup. Why you all dressed?
He wore some jeans with a long shirt. This LA bruh.
Chris- oh I gotta handle some business out of state and I want D to come with me. RCA records hit me back up and they want me to fly out to new York.
Me- oh my god that's wonderful chris.!
I jump up and down.
Chris- I know girl. Chill!
He tries to calm me down.
Chris- anyway they sent me 2 first class tickets and I really want to take d, but-
Me- no. No. No. No. She going if I gotta put her in a suitcase and ship her myself.
Chris laughs at my remark.
Me- wait what about kae?
Chris- Sierra was there when I got it. She's my good luck charm. (Starts getting red in the cheeks) look I just wanna take her.
Me- awe you so cute. Just know you betta not fuck with her heart. You know better then anyone. She's really sensitive...
We both laugh now. She's sensitive just dangerous.
I finally go into my room to wash and change. When I finish James runs into my arms as soon as I open the door.
James- I'm sorry mommy. I love you.
Me- I love you too. Never slam doors on me again OK? I'm not playing with you Lil boy.
James-yes ma'am. Are we leaving?
Me- yea. I promise to not get as mad when I talk to uncle OK.
James- OK.
I stand up and fix my shirt.
James- mama look I fixed my face so i didn't look like I was crying. Nana taught me how to do that.
Me- when you see Nana crying.
James- I hear her every night. One day I asked her and she taught me how to cover it so no one would see.
I laugh and cried a little.
Me- cmon let's get you washed up so we can go see that Nana of yours.
Chris POV
When I heard D's room door open I pushed myself off the wall to go inside. James stops me.
James- where you going homie?
Me- I can't-
James- uh.uh.
D- prince Nola go to ya momma please.
James rushes down the hall to D's room where Stace took a shower. The door opened and he jumped into his moms arms. That boys a trip. I look back into D's room and she's fixing the bed.

Fly Before You Fall
Randoma girl fending for her own. believing everything she's ever loved has been unsolved. with her brothers disappearance and her mothers unsolved case. with college right around the corner there's no say how it'll play out. a/n I swear it's gonna be go...