IV. All smiles and stuff

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IV. All smiles and stuff

I was in the last class of that day, there was only five minutes left before the bell would ring and the weekend could finally start. I was counting seconds to get out of there. Surprisingly, Dylan didn't show up to that class. Such a relief. 

Suddenly, my phone started to vibrate in the pocket of my jeans. 

It was a message from a number I did not have in my numbers contact list. I frowned.

"Hey, new girl, did you miss me in the Chemistry class?" 

I instantaneously knew who it was. There was one only person in the world who call me by that nickname.

"Keep dreaming" I answered.

"Meet me in the parking lot after that thing finish" 

"How did you get my number, in the first place?" 

"I'll tell you when I see you at the parking lot" 

"I'm not going till you tell me" 

"Then you won't know"


The bell rang and the weekend officially started. I caught up all my stuff and I waited for my brother in the principal hall for him to appear. I'm not going to lie, I did am interested in knowing how he got my phone number, but... at the same time, I just didn't him to win. 

My brother was taking forever to appear. I checked my phone just in case he texted me... but there was nothing. No text messages, no missing calls. 

 —Hey Becca! —someone in the middle of the hall talked. I looked around to see who it was. Right in front of me, Cameron appeared— How are ya'? —he smiled. 

—Hey, I'm good —I replied— but, have you seen my brother? I can't find him.

—Yeah, he told me to take you home —he talked and I did not expect that answer. The expression on my face should have scared that guy since he started to explain himself right after—. He is making an audition to enter the school football team and that's gonna take him some time, so he asked me to take you home... —he made pause, hesitating— if that's okay for you. 

—Yeah, yes, totally. —I nodded— The last thing I wanna do right now is walk all my way home. 

—Great. Let's go then. 

We started walking to the parking lot. That guy was always all smiles and stuff, he gave me so much good vibes. 

—Are you in the football team too? —I asked as we kept walking our way to his car. 

—No.—he sentenced— There's something you need to know about me, that I do not do sports. No matter what kind of sport. I do not do sports. If someone is chasing me to kill me and the only way to get out of it alive is running 1 mile streight, I would let mysef die, honestly. 

—What the fuck —I said enphasaising every word— You must be messing around with me right now. 

—I swear, Bec. I don't joke when I talk about sports —he looked at me right in the eyes—. I'm even gonna tell you the only reason I got my driver licence as soon as I turned the age is because I hate walking. 

I blinked twice. 

—Cameron, you totally shoked me here. Wow —I shook my head— I do am totally impressed. 

—All my pleasures, girl. 

I just met the laziest person in the earth. It was almost ridiculous how dangerous that could be for his health. 

—Hey new girl —another person came into the scene. We all already know who it was. Dylan was standing right in front of us, not letting us keep walking— I think we have a pending conversation. 

—I don't think so. 

—Wait —Cameron came into the conversation— you guys know each other? 

—No —I answered quickly. 

—Actually, yes —Dylan said with that mocking stupid face— Would you mind, Cameron, if you let us a little bit of privacy? 

—Ummm... —he looked at me, trying to look for permission to let me alone with Dylan. 

—He's driving me home —I turned my sight to Dylan again—. I can't talk with you right now. 

—I'll drive you home. Don't worry for that. 

—No —I said— I need to head home now. I have stuff to do. Whatever you have to say I'm sure it can wait. 

—It cannot. 

—Dude —Cameron voice's turned really heavy at that point— she said no. 

Dylan looked at Cameron kind of angry, kind of threatening. I was standing there, waiting for the next step from any of them and ready to stop whatever the hell they seemed about to start. 

—Okay —Dylan finally said, moving one step backwards— I guess I'll see you soon, new girl. 

He started walking in the other direction. I didn't know why at that moment, but I had the feeling that not doing what he wanted when he wanted was going to be much worst than actually talking to him for four minutes in that moment. 

He walked away, but I kept that feeling inside. 

I got in the car with Cameron and dropped my bag in the back side of the truck. Cameron did not say a word after that and it was getting kind of awkward. 

—Thank you for... that. —I finally said. He turned the key to start the engine. 

—Don't have to. 

—I don't really know him, I stumbled with him in the hall a couple of days ago and I don't even know how he got my phone number and then... 

—He's a good boy in the inside. —He cut me off as he turned his uper body to turn back and get out of the parking lot. 

—Do you know him? 

—Well... —he made a pause— let's say I used to know him very well. But it is not a story I really wanna talk about right now. Just don't get too intimidated by him, he's inoffensive. 

—I'm sure my brother wouldn't be so happy to see me around with him. 

—Yeah —he chuckled— you can be hell sure of that. But you are an individual person from your brother and you can make you own decisions —his eyes were looking at the road all the time. He moved his hands in the wheel as he talked. I looked at him, totally surprised again, since I did not expect that answer. I probably kept looking at him without saying anything for way too long because he looked at me for the first time since we entered the car and said— You okay? —he frowned. 

—Yes —I stopped that creepy sight— I was just thinking about what you just said. 

—What you think about it? 

—I think you are a really good guy. —I smiled at him. 

He smiled back.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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