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Izuku woke up on the ground, his mind hazy. the day had turned to night, and the tunnel was shrouded in deep darkness. the ground was cold and rough as he pushed himself off the concrete. He wobbled on his feet, before picking up his bag and stumbling out of the tunnel. he had a splitting headache that seemed to make moving burn like hellfire, but he ignored it. it wasn't the first time he'd had a headache after being beaten up, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. he stumbled onto the sidewalk, grating his teeth against the stabbing pain in his head.  suddenly excruciating pain stabbed all throughout his body at once. 

"uggghhhhhh!!!" he cried out, clutching his head and stumbling. He tried to put a hand out to steady himself on the wall of a building, but he instead fell into an alleyway. he barely registered hitting his head on the concrete. His body shook and twitched violently, his back arched in an almost unnatural way. Every muscle in his body seemed to stretch and contract. His jaw snapped and then forcefully mended back together, and his canines elongated, sending agony streaking all through his head. his ears buzzed and ached and all of his bones seemed to snap into tiny fragments and reform themselves. after an eternity of unbearable agony, the pain subsided, and he lay there, twitching and groaning occasionally. 

"who is this?" Izuku barely registered the words of the drunken men that stood at the entrance of the alley. someone stepped to the side of him and poked at his face. 

"Hey man, this kid's high or something. wanna do him? he's kinda cute." a shaggy gaunt middle-aged man stared down at him grinning like a kid on their birthday. Izuku understood what they were saying. terror rose in him, and something new. rage and discust coiled in his stomach like an angry dragon. 'how dare they!' he thought. Izuku didn't quite understand these intense emotions, as he'd worked on keeping them locked where they wouldn't see the light for many years. the pain had left him completely, and he was filled with new energy. the other man walked to where he lay and began unbuckling his belt while the other man tryed grabbing at his arms in an attempt to drag him farther into the alley way. Izuku jumped up, startling both men. 

"Hey, I thought you said this kid was out of it!" the man with the belt growled, his small bug-like eyes flitted between Izuku and the man who was farther into the alley. 

"I thought he was! don't blame me!" the gaunt man became defensive, and his nails sharpened into claws. 

"well? then grab him!" the bug-eyed man cried. the man with razor-sharp claws jumped forward, aiming to grab the middle-school boy's waist. out of instinct, Izuku whirled around and slapped him across his face. The man went flying into the wall, and promptly spit out blood. the other man stood, petrifyed by what had happened to his lackey. 

Izuku gawked at the man now crumpled at his feet. a gash at the back of the man's neck now oozed blood... 

'blood.' his brain whispered 



drink it 

your thirsty arent you?'

suddenly Izuku was painfully aware of how THIRSTY he really was. his throat felt like sandpaper and his tongue was devoid of almost any liquid. the liquid that ran down that man's throat beckoned him, and before Izuku knew what he was doing, his teeth were at the man's throat and he was lapping up the warm red fluids. when the man's neck was cleaned off, Izuku sniffed at his neck, looking for more. the man trembled, looking at Izuku's mouth and eyes. Izuku could hear his heartbeat in his chest and the veins and arteries that spread through his body. the boy's instinct took over and he plunged his fangs into the trembling man's thrumming neck. 

"ahhhhgggg.....ahhh!" the man gasped as pleasure erupted from the place that the boy had bitten, followed by a numb calm. the boy greedily drank from the older man, savoring the taste that filled him with euphoria and pleasure. the man slumped over, but Izuku continued drinking his fill. when he realized there was no more to drink, he pulled away, satisfied. the bug-eyed man stood at the entrance of the alley, trembling. the clawed man had fallen to the asphalt, limp and cold. 

"ahhh, get away, you villain!!" his knees buckled when Izuku stood. he crawled away, struggling to get back on his feet. Izuku stared at him, his eyes empty. the man let out one last cry of fear and got up and ran away. Izuku looked back at the body that lay crumpled before him. tears streamed down his face as he realized what he had done. that man was DEAD. 

"ughhh, how? why is this happening?" he asked, his voice high pitched and distant through his shaking sobs. he backed himself into the opposite wall the curled into a ball, putting his hands over his ears. the scariest thing wasn't that there was a dead body lying in front of him, but that he felt nothing for that man. 

'why's this happening? how did I even do that?' he thought through his tears, thing to make logical sense of what had happened.  he remembered waking up in the tunnel, but before that was a hazy mess. 

'I don't even have a quirk! so how did I injure him so badly with just a slap? why was the blood that is now In my stomach so delicious and irresistible, and what had that man seen when he saw my face?' Izuku looked back up at the man, studying him. 

'Izuku, you need to make that man disappear' a voice resonated in his mind, startling him. 

"Who are you?" he asked cautiously. 

'you will find out soon enough, now take care of the body.' 

Izuku didn't really want to touch the man again, but he knew the logic in the voice's command. he stood up and walked over to the corpse. 

'what should I do with him?' he thought trying to think of potential places to dump the man. 

'I really can't feel anything for this man.' he thought looking at the man's unfocused eyes and slightly parted lips.

 'what happened to me? why can't I greive for him? Izuku was frightened by this new cold and calculating part of him. he closed the man's eyelids. he picked him up and slung him over his back, piggy back style. He hoped the man looked alive enough that he would go unnoticed on the streets. izuku was suprised by how light he felt, both his own body and the corpses. he could have run a marathon with the man on his back and he wouldn't have even been out of breath. Izuku tryed running and found that he could zip through the streets at amazing speeds. he reached the edge of town in a matter of minutes, reaching a dense forest. he stumbled upon a cliff and took the opportunity to take the limp man of his back and tossed him into the darkness. as izuku watched the man fall, he suddenly came upon a revelation. He hadn't been out of breath at all, even after running for miles. come to think of it, Izuku hadn't taken a breath for quite some time. out of curiosity, he felt for the rise and fall of his chest, and the rythmic beating of his heart. but he felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

The Undead Prince - a BNHA Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now