"i love you"

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jody's pov

i look down at my lap. the test was for sure positive. i clutch it in the palm of my hands. theres no going back now. im just... scared. scared of what may-li and scott will think, what my mum will think but most of all, what tyler will think. tyler is the person i go to for advice, the person i can rely on for the most truthful advice. but with him being the dad of this child, how is he going to react? i bite my nails sitting on the floor by my bed and think. a knock arrives at my door and i hear a soft "can i come in?" i quickly hide the pregnancy test under my duvet and shout a brief "yeah" to the familiar voice outside.

"you okay?" he asks me. tyler had come back from saint lucia two weeks ago after 2 years and we had been stuck by each others side ever since.

"yeah of course why wouldnt i be?" quickly wiping away the tear that was trying to escape.

"i can tell when your lying, you know" tyler says chuckling looking up and back down again.

"come with me" i mutter taking him by the arm, not wanting to keep this a secret from the most special person in my life. i check the landing from my door to make sure no one was about before dragging him towards the attic and up the stairs.

inside it felt colder then it normally does but then i told myself it was just my imagination while taking tyler towards the back corner.

"listen please dont freak out when i tell you this because its just going make it harder okay?" he stood in his usual postion and nodded, his hands out front clasped together one over the other, calmly, meanwhile im standing here my fist pounding against my palm, preparing what i had to blurt out next.

"im- im pregnant"

"your what?!"

i nodded slightly in response to his reaction not too sure if he was happy, sad, angry or a mix of all three. just then i felt two arms wrap around me, sighing contently, speechless.

tyler's pov

i was so happy. im going to be a dad!! im going to be a dad!! i couldnt believe it! "so your happy?" jody asks hesitantly, not exactly knowing what she meant seeing as though i had always wanted to be a dad. "what do you mean? of course im happy jodes" i say excitedly, narrowing my eyes and looking down at her. she wrapped her arms tighter round me and put her head on my shoulder. "i love you" i whisper. we'd never said those words before, no matter how much we knew it, but this felt like the right time to. "i love you too, you idiot" she replied softly, picking her head up and giving one back on the lips.                                                                    "how long have you known?"                                                                                                                           "couple hours before lunch" she says under her breath, clearly looking guilty for not telling me straight away since we've been hanging out the whole day. "its fine. i know now, dont i!" she smiles and nods.

jody's pov

after about what felt like an hour of hugging, talking and quite a few tears, we decided to make our way downstairs and into tylers room.

after a while i think it settled into him what i had told him only a mere 2 and a half hours before; since for the past 5 minutes he hadnt been listening to me and was just staring into space, biting his nails, a habit we share but something he does rarely, not since elektra wound him up about his pranks and jokes being childish when we were both about 10.

"listen, we're care kids yeah? we're hardly going to want to give this kid up seeing as people have let us down in the past. i dont care what it takes but i wont let may-li, scott, social services or anyone else take away our baby" i take his hand and prod it slightly, hoping it would knock some sense into him.

"i know" he says shaking his head, smiling at me.

i jump off the chair and sit on the floor next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

without realising, we had both fallen asleep in tylers room after laying down, clearly too tired in the night to do anything about it.

i jump up and look at my phone. 7:30 it reads. everyone gets up at 8 if not later so i decide to use the time to get washed and dressed without having to ask for another 5 minutes in the bathroom.

i only ended up taking 20 minutes so i figure i should get tyler up so we could avoid the chat from the house at breakfast to why we werent anywhere in the house for a good couple of hours after 6pm, even though we were in the attic.

once he was dressed we made plans to go and see a movie to take our minds off last nights news.

"listen i think if we arent going to tell anyone for a bit then we need to come up with a couple of excuses-" tyler says while we sit at the kitchen table, cutting off when he sees someone walk in.

"tell anyone what?" bec hums rather cheerily. i turn round in my seat and shoot her a glare. "so now your evesdropping in on a private conversation?" i suck my teeth and tut.

"dont do it where the whole house can hear then" she gives me a thin smile and walks off with her juice. fair point but i wasnt going to admit that. either way its still listening in.

i turn back round to see tyler smirking at me "what?" i laugh and shake my head. we get up from the table and walk into the living room, his arm over my shoulder.

"i love you, you idiot" i say so quietly, mainly to be sure no one else would hear.

he raises an eyebrow as if to say "you sure?"

"nah, only joking" i grin and run upstairs.

i love you f&a - a jyler storyWhere stories live. Discover now