Father's home.

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The room was so eerily quiet, Delphine was almost afraid to break the silence. She addressed the strange man, who had yet to remove his eyes from her mother.

"Who are you?" she asked, unable to conceal her curiosity.

"He's no one." her mother replied, though it wasn't her question to answer.

The man gave Her mom an amused look, but there was something darker in his expression that made Delphine nervous. He still hadn't averted his gaze from her mother, and she began to wonder if he even noticed that she was in the room. Whatever the case, he didn't seem too fazed by her mothers dismissive reply.

"And who are you?" he questioned, still staring. "Because you can't be the same woman I knew 7 years ago."

It was clear her Mother was not expecting this form of  retaliation. She hated any form of critisism. - Delphine recalled once when she commented on her mothers outfit, she was so offended she didn't talk to her for a week. - In any case, the man's comment seemed to have the same effect, and her harsh exterior  looked like it had taken a hit.

"The Eva I knew would never abandon her own child at the first sign of trouble."

"You don't have a say in this." she replied. "Its none of your business what I do or where I go."

"It is my business when its my child you are abandoning! She'll be dead within the week."

Delphine went weak. This man, this cold, robotic figure was her father? She had always thought that when she met her father, she would feel some sort of connection to him. Her mother had always been so clinical, she just presumed that her father would be different. Warm, kind, loving.

"That thing isn't my child anymore, I don't want her." her mother said, pointing in her direction.

"She isn't even human, I owe her nothing."

Delphine couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sure, her mother had never been one to show affection, but there had never been any doubt in her mind that her mother loved her. All mothers love their kids, right? But now her mother was standing here telling some guy in a suit that she did'nt care about her daughter.

She was vaguely aware of the heated conversation going on between the two, but she only absorbed dribs and drabs of it.

"she's just as much yours as she is mine" her mother was saying "I never wanted kids, this is all your fault."

"this isn't you" he was saying, "this isn't the woman I fell in love with."

Ha. What did these two know about love. Delphine could feel her blue eyes burning, filling with tears. But it wasn't sorrow she felt, it was anger. She was angry at herself, for coming across weak, she was angry at suit guy for abandoning her and her mom, she was furious at her mother for turning on her.

Her mom had always been her favourite person in the world. Her role model. She wanted to grow up and be an independent woman, just like her. No one telling her what to do, or where to go. Now her mother was throwing this admiration back in her face.

The two were still arguing, and her mother had grown visibly more defensive as their row progressed. Her father just looked pained. perhaps he did care for this woman, but Delphine found it hard to believe considering he left them both before she could even hold onto memories.

He was trying to reason with her mom. though she didn't absorb it all, she gathered that he thought Delphine was too important to just disclaim. "its a pity he didn't think that when I was a baby", she thought.

Her mother was shouting now, "you never cared for me" "why did shouln't I just leave" and such, but Delphine could hardly bare to hear more of her whining.

"Mom" she said, failing to keep her voice steady. 

Nothing. the pair continued to ignore their daughter.

"MOM!" Delphine shouted, this time more stern.

Her shout seemed to break the two out of their reverie. The man looked at her as if noticing her for the first time (which he probably was). Now that she got a good look at him, Delphine could see some similarities. They shared the same pure black hair, the same pale skin. His expression softened a little as he looked at her.

It was then that Delphine realized how pathetic she must have looked. Her face was wet from tears (though she didn't much remember crying), she was standing small, her whole body trembling. She cursed herself internally. She knew she ought to look tough, confident, but a lot had been thrown at her in the past few minutes.

Bearing this in mind, she stood herself straight and wiped her face dry. she hoped her worry wasn't showing through her expression, she didn't wan't to show either of them weakness. Now that she had their attention though, she found herself lost for words. as she turned to face her mother,she asked the first thing that came to her mind.

"why don't you love me?"

"Great" she thought. "Way to show them confidence."

Her mother seemed quite taken back by the question, and also slightly entertained. She turned back to the man as if Delphine hadn't even spoken.

"I don't care about your rules" she said, with unbelievable nonchalance. "either you take her, or she stays here. I'm not getting attacked by monsters for anyone." And with that, she made for the exit, her red wheel case squeaking behind her. She barged past the man, who didn't try to stop her.

Delphine was so angry, so frustrated, so infuriated, she just couldn't handle it any more. she let out a great scream, and struck the table that stood next to her, sending her mothers lamp flying towards the floor.

"Easy now, child." the man said, as he walked further into the apartment, taking a seat in the leather armchair.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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