Chapter 22 - Feyre

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The Cauldron was in pain, I could feel it, it wasn't made to be used by the valg and it was drained because the wall took everything it had. If I gave it everything I had, every last drop of power, and used the symbols that Aelin had shown me from the book then I would have the power to drag the valg out of my world.

I landed next to the cauldron; I didn't care where I was. I sliced my arm open using the dagger hung at my side and drew the marks around the cauldron then slammed my hands onto its side. It began to drain me.

It burnt so badly but I didn't dare let go. The cauldron was talking to me and the voice was kind. It felt my pain and tried to comfort me. I could feel the valg being dragged from this world and into the portal in the centre of the cauldron, each valg that passed through took a little bit more of my life. I didn't care. My family were going to live.

I was well aware that this was the stupidest thing that I had ever done but compared to Aelin's reckless plans this could probably be considered mild. The last valg to pass through the portal was Orcus, his voice filled my head as he told me I would pay. I just told him that I already had before the darkness reached out to claim me.

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