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i packed the red eyeshadow onto my makeup brush and swirled it around my neck, to the point where it didn't look too pink or too red. i then dipped my brush into a bright purple and tapped it on top of the red. i dipped in between red and purple to mix the colors a little better and then i took a makeup wipe and lightly tapped it onto my neck so the 'hickey' wasn't so bright and fake looking. i then topped it off with a low coverage concealer to try and make it look like i tried to cover it up but failed.

i looked into the mirror, content with my makeup skills. y/bf and i don't have a youtube channel or anything i just like pranking him sometimes, it's kinda funny.

he was gonna be coming home soon so i put everything away and set a makeup wipe next to the nightstand because i was gonna be laying on the bed and when he started raging i wanted to be able to wipe it off quickly to prove it's not real. i took some setting spray and applied it to my neck. hopefully this wouldn't smudge.

i lay down on the bed and scrolled through tiktok while i waited for him to come home. i heard our front door open, my stomach instantly filled with butterflies. well, they were more like moths but whatever. y/bf isn't exactly the best person at controlling his temper and it made me nervous.

he walked into our bedroom and walked over to me to give me a kiss "hi my love" he greeted me, a smile instantly made its way to my face "hi baby" i responded. "how was work?" i asked "stressful, my boss is such a dick" "what'd he do now?" "i finished doing what he told me to do and then he throws more shit on top of me and then complains about how he didn't like my work when i followed his instructions to the t" "he is a dick" "yeah but i think we're getting a new boss soon so hopefully shit gets better"

damn do i still wanna do this? he's so stressed out poor thing

he flopped on top of me and lay his head on my chest while i ran my fingers through his hair. he looked up at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "what is that?" he questioned

oh fuck

"what's what?" "that thing on your neck" "huh? i don't have anything on my neck" "y/n don't play dumb" he roughly lifted my neck "tell me what the fuck this is" i could see the anger building up in his face. "ohhhhh, i burnt myself" "with what" "a curling iron" my hair was not curled. "who the fuck is he" he was pissed. "what are you talking about" "who the fuck gave you this hickey y/n" "it's not a hickey oh my gosh calm down" "don't tell me to fucking calm down, who the fuck are you cheating on me with?" he was yelling at this point. "NO ONE Y/BF/N GOSH" he licked his thumb and rubbed it onto the 'hickey' and it didn't even smudge. "why?" "what?" i asked confused "what the fuck happened y/n! why are you cheating on me what did i do?" "baby i'm not cheating on you" "then what the fuck is that? your hair isn't curled y/n and this shit isn't fucking coming off" "i'm sorry" i muttered. "for what?" he asked "for cheating on you" i could see his heart drop through his eyes. he went to grab his keys but i stopped him.

"it's a prank!" i exclaimed "what's a prank huh? you cheating on me?" "it's not real look" "that shit didn't fucking come off get the fuck outta here with that" i could hear him choking up. i grabbed onto his wrist and grabbed the makeup wipe next to me to wipe it off. "you see?" i showed him the purple and blue eyeshadow on the wipe. i could see relief overcome his face. "gimme that" he snatched the wipe from my hand and took off the rest of the makeup. "so you aren't cheating on me?" "no i would never" i reassured him. he sighed and lay down on the bed away from me. "come here, i want you to give me a real one" i smirked.

hi besties pls request stuff im out of ideas

requests are open!! 🤍

word count: 755

𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡/𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now