Chapter one

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Angelica's pov

Hello my name is Angelica Schulyer. I am in my third year of college. I have two younger sisters. Peggy and Eliza. They are both in their second year because Peggy skipped a grade. We are the most popular girls at school but I am the most known. Now onto the story.


It's the first day back at college after summer break. I am excited because I am doing all the classes I want to. I am aiming to become a human rights lawyer. It is finally the last class of the day. I have a basic law class with Professor Washington. Thomas Jefferson is in this class. He is the biggest asshole on campus. He has been hitting on me since high school. "Welcome to my law class students" Washington says "before we start I would like to welcome a new student from Princeton". A boy that seems about 19 years old enters the room. He has dark brown hair that is slicked back into a ponytail. He has intelligent looking brown eyes in a hanger pane framed face.  "Introduce yourself" Washington tells the boy. "Hello I am Alexander Hamilton and I am here for a law degree" the boy, Alexander, says. He sits down next to me and the class starts. He has captured my interest. The class goes on. A while before the class ends Washington announces "We will be holding our first debate in this class next Friday". The class starts buzzing with excitement. "I will be randomly seclecting the students" Washington continues. He goes to his computer and clicks around a bit. Finally he says "Hamilton and Jefferson will be debating boy's please stay after class so I can inform you about what you are debating". This will be interesting no one has debated against Jefferson and won. Most people fear him and they have since high school or their first year in college. The class ends and Washington dismisses us. My sisters and I agreed to meet at a coffee shop nearby to talk about our first days. I walk down the hallways and out the doors. The weather hasn't gotten chilly just yet but there is a breeze. I make my way down the street and walk into the coffee shop. I order a Carmel frappocino and sit in a corner and wait for Eliza and Peggy. After a few minutes Peggy comes in and orders her drink. I wave her over and she comes and sits down. "Hey pegs" "Hey angie". We make small talk while waiting for Eliza. Finally Eliza comes in orders and sits down. "Hey liza" "Hey Angie, hey pegs". We take turns telling each other about our days. "Oh guys John invited us over to his dorm for a game night" Peggy says. "I'll go" Eliza replies. "I don't really feel up to it" I reply truthfully. "Alright Angie maybe next time" Peggy says. "So have any boys or girls caught your eye" I ask. "Oh I met this girl named Maria she is so pretty and she is really smart but I don't know if she even likes girls" Peggy starts a rant. She goes on and on about this Maria girl. She just meet her today and she is already head over heels. After she finishes I turn to Eliza and ask "what about you liz". She blushes and says "well their is this boy in one of my classes but I haven't talked to him yet but he is cute". "Well you should talk to him" Peggy declares. I chuckle and finish my drink. We all share a dorm but after we finish we say our goodbyes and they go to John's dorm and I head back to ours. When I get back I lay on my bed and think about that boy in my law class. Alexander. I have never dated anyone but many boy's have been interested in me. Maybe I can get him to fall for me. Maybe I can have my first relationship. I mean sure I have had casual flings but never a long term relationship. Maybe he can be my first.

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