Chapter twenty two

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Time skip to end of the year

Angelica's pov

It's finally the end of the year and I survived. Unfortunately I am not done with college I still have another year so I  can get my bachelor's degree. Later today everyone is going to come over so we can have our own mini celebration for surviving the year. Currently Peggy and Eliza are out shopping for some party snacks and stuff and I'm getting the dorm ready. I pick up my phone because I want Alex to come over early.

My love: can you come over

My boyfriend: sure I will be over in a few minutes

My love: see you then

My boyfriend: see you

About five minutes later I hear a knock at the door. I go over and let Alex in. I give him a quick kiss then drag him to the living room.

"So why did you want me to come over"

"So we can spend time together and so you can help me get ready for the party"

"Ok let's do it" he says. We start by cleaning up the rest of the living room. It was a mess. Then we do the dishes that were in the sink and put them away. Then we get out some plastic cups and some chips and set them on the table.

"Well we are done til Peggy and Eliza get back" I say and he nods. 

"You wanna watch some t.v"

"Sure" he says. We start walking over to the couch when the door opens.

"We're back" Peggy shouts walking into the dorm with bags. She sets them down and then walks over to us. Eliza has come inside and set her bags down too.

"You cleaned up the place nice" Eliza says a little awkwardly. The who Alex and Eliza dated and now me and Alex are dating thing is still an awkward thing in between us. 

"Lets get the groceries put up and finish setting up" I say. Peggy puts away the stuff while Alex, Eliza, and I put what is not being put away on the table. By the time we finish Herc, Laf, and John have shown up. 

"Well this is the party" Alex  says. John orders pizza and we all are talking in the living room. Once the pizza gets here we sit at the table to eat. Once we are finished we go sit down.

"We should play truth or dare" Herc says. Everyone agrees and sits in a circle to play.

"Who should start" Peggy asks.

"I will" says John. Everyone agrees.

"Ok Peggy truth or dare"


"Ok I dare you to go out in the hallway and sing I'm a Barbie girl"

"Ok" Peggy agrees. She goes out side and we all stand in the doorway. She starts singing and doing a little dance. We all start laughing because she looks insane with the way she is dancing. I see a door open a little way down the hallway and some other student come out. He watches Peggy finish her song and dance and then shakes his head and goes inside.

"Well that was fun" Peggy said coming inside. We continue to play for a while more when it gets to Eliza's turn.

"Ok Alex truth or dare"

"Uhhh truth"

"What is the real reason you broke up with me" she asks. Herc and Laf look uncomfortable and Peggy, John, and I gasp.

"I thought we already worked this out" I say.

"We did but we didn't I want to know why he broke up with me" Eliza says with an attitude.

"Maybe we shouting do this now" Peggy suggest.

"No I want to know" Eliza snaps.

"I'll go ahead and tell her so we can address it now and get it over with" Alex says. Everyone else just stays silent.

"Tell me then" Eliza says.

"We broke up because I didn't love you anymore"

"Why didn't you"

"I just fell out of love"

"You don't fall out of love that fast"

"I did"

"I know there is something your not telling me"

"Fine you want to know the truth"

"Yes I do"

"I fell in love with your sister while dating you so I broke up with you" Alex shouts. Everyone sits in silence for a few moments.

"I knew it" Eliza says before getting up and storming out. Everyone just kinda looks at each other. I don't know what to do I can only hope to keep my relationship with my sister.

Sorry for taking so long to post this it kept deleting all my work. The next chapter is the epilogue and I'm super indecisive about how to end this so I'm having you guys vote.

Option one

Option two

Option three

Please comment on which one you guys want to happen.

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