Chapter 3: Welcome to Shiganshina District

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Third POV
After all the Marley Warriors ran away from the Titan, they all stopped until they knew that were far away from the Titan

Lara, Annie, Pieck and Bertolt put down the injured Y/N, Marcel and Reiner on the ground. They look in horror as to what happened to their friends.

Lara: It's fine, it's fine, everything is alright.

Lara said she kneeled down and continued to look at Y/N's handless arms

The rest of Warriors started to feel guilty and ashamed because they couldn't have stopped what has happened to their friends

Pieck put her hand on Lara's shoulder

Pieck: They're regenerating, they will be okay

Annie: Yeah but...

Annie looked behind indicating that she is thinking about the Titan that attacked them

Bertolt: A human came out of the nape of that Titan

They stopped to think out it and everyone went quiet until Lara broke the silence

Lara: From all my years being with Y/N, I read books with him about the Mixed Titan and it's previous inheritors. It is said from Lord Jagdees the 1st that he wanted to save his loved ones from death. He later experimented his spinal fluid with other Titan Shifter spinal fluids but he did not only experiment with spinal fluid. Lord Jagdees used his only spine and other Titan Shifter spines to revive his elder sister. It later worked and he was named Lord Jagdees, the bringer of life.

Bertolt: So basically, Marcel's and Reiner's Titan Shifter power has been partly taken away or?

Lara: No, Jagdees created more Titan Shifters for the sake of bringing his loved ones back to life.

Annie: Y/N can create more Titan Shifters without any consequences?

Lara: Shorty, yes. Although it is stated very importantly that the inheritor of the Mixed Titan must have will or a goal in mind just like transforming into your Titan form.

Everyone was in shock at what they heard about Y/N and they all looked at him as he was still passed out.

Pieck: To think that a power like that exists. A power to cheat death itself

Lara looked at the three Marley Warriors who were looking at Y/N like if they wanted his blessing

Lara: Don't get any ideas about Y/N though

The three look at Lara

Lara: Y/N isn't like other people, nor is he like other Marleyans. He will get what he wants

Bertolt: What do you mean by tha-

Before Bertolt could finish his sentence, the three injured Marley Warriors start to wake up as their regeneration was done

Y/N: Ugh my head

Y/N put his hand on his head

Y/N: That fall wasn't pretty at all

Marcel: You're telling me

Reiner: My arm still feels weird to be honest

Lara hugs Y/N as soon as he woke up while the others helped Marcel and Reiner stand up

Lara: Our plan sucked so much Y/N

Y/N: Yeah it backfired

After Lara was done hugging Y/N, she helped him stand up

Y/N: But at least we are all okay in the end

Marcel: Yeah but what happened after we passed out?

Pieck: Nothing much, we just carried you and ran far away from that Titan

Reiner and Marcel sighed in relief

Y/N didn't show any sign of being relieved though instead, he was thinking. Y/N started to remember from what happened and about seeing a girl coming out of the nape of the Titan

Y/N: 'If that girl actually came out of that Titan then the only explanation is that she is a Titan Shifter. Yes. A Titan Shifter.'

Annie snapped her fingers in front of Y/N's face

Annie: You seem like you are in deep thought. What's wrong?

Y/N started to look at his friends and he was speechless as he didn't know if he could tell them if that girl is a Titan Shifter.

Y/N:'s nothing. Don't worry about it. We should continue our mission right now but can you transform Marcel or do you want Pieck to fill in for you?

Marcel: Well it would be better if I recovered more, sorry Pieck

Pieck: Don't worry about it, I can transport everyone there.

Everyone went back but instead, they stayed next to each other while Pieck was from a far distance so she could transform to her Titan. Pieck used a dagger that she had and she cut a little part of the palm of her hand. Lightning came from the sky going to Pieck in which she transformed into her Titan form

The rest of the Marley Warriors ran up to Pieck and put her legs down so everyone can be on top of her

After some time, The Marley Warriors see Shiganshina District and they all hop off so Pieck and can come out of Titan form

Reiner: We did it. We arrived in Shiganshina District!

Annie: We should continue with the plan now

Annie said to Y/N. A moment of silence passed and no response

Annie: Right Y/N-

Annie looks behind and she finds Y/N helping Pieck out of her Titan

Y/N: You sure you can just jump from there?

Pieck smirks and she jumps down right next to Y/N

Pieck: Yes I can

Pieck says with a sly smile. Y/N responds with a smile back while putting his hand behind his head

Y/N: Of course you can

Everyone sees Y/N and Pieck being next to each other as they are staying silent as well

Lara: Ahem

Y/N and Pieck look towards their friends

Y/N: Yeah sorry about that

Y/N said as he looked Annie

Annie: Whatever, let's do our mission now

Y/N: Of course, everyone! You know what you're supposed to do!

Everyone nods their head and they get into position. First, Bertolt will be transforming so he can break the outer gate. Next, Reiner will transform so he can destroy the inner gate. Then, Y/N and Annie will transform and go inside Shiganshina District and their job will be to scream so Titans can go inside the district while Marcel and Lara will be coming behind them, destroying everything they encounter. While Pieck will stay behind next to Bertolt so when he comes out of his Titan form, they will be safe and the same goes for everyone else if they are in danger.

Y/N: 'This is the perfect plan!'

Y/N, The Mixed Titan Aot x Male Reader (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now