Chapter 25

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Y/n looked at the phone. Yuka looked at her, not hesitating he broke the silence, "you're not going anywhere, we'll find another way."
Y/n thought to herself , "usually I won't care, after all this little girl insulted me, yet, I feel some sort of remorse, I kind of want to do something to help her.."
"Maybe I can convince him to let her go," she said as she looked up at Yuuka. "No, I said no, and that's it. I just got you back y/n. I'm not going to lose you again," he said in a stern and demanding voice.
Y/n: "Yu, the more we sit here and argue about it, the chances of her getting hurt get higher... is that what you want?"
Y/n: "I know that she gives you a lot of trouble but I know that you care about her. I know you'd feel guilty if anything happens to her."
She was right. He would feel guilty if anything happened to Kuon. "I may not remember anything from before, but I'm glad that you saved me. That whole time I knew something was off, but you helped me. Let me do this for you, he's already done the worst, taking my memories away.."
Yuuka: "fine, but this time, I go with you."
Y/n: " Yuuka..."
Yuuka: "it's that or nothing y/n. I let you go alone once and look where it got us."
Y/n: "okay."
Y/n took her phone out and dialed Ai. "Y/n, did you decide to come?" Ai asked.
Y/n: "meet me at the rooftop of the building that's 4 buildings to the left of where you are."
Y/n hung up not letting him agree or disagree. Ai called her back but she didn't answer.
Rika: "arent you going to answer that?"
Y/n: "no, if I do, it gives him the chance to argue with me on the location. I won't give him that opportunity."
Yuuka: "Rika, get the girls and have them keep an eye out in case things go left."
Rika: "alright. Be safe you two."
Y/n and sniper mask made their way where they were supposed to meet, "Yuuka, promise me you won't say anything. He already despises you, I don't want him getting even more angry than he already is." She said.
Yuuka: "we'll see...."
Yuuka: "he's here, but his footsteps are the only ones I hear."
She made her way to Ai, standing about 50 feet away from him.
Ai: "I see you brought him.." he said in an angered tone.
Y/n: "he's only here to protect me from you."
Ai: "did you sleep with him?"
She stayed quiet. "Answer me y/n... did you or did you not fuck him?" Ai said as he started to get aggravated.
Y/n: "where's the little girl?"
Ai: "I'll tell you what..." he waved his hand as though he were signaling someone to come, "why don't you come with me, and the girl goes with him, hm?"
Yuuka: "no deal, let's go y/n."
Ai: "I don't recall speaking to you."

Yuuka walked towards y/n and pulled her by the arm to leave

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Yuuka walked towards y/n and pulled her by the arm to leave.
"Ah ah ah, i wouldn't do that if I were you... you see, I'm offering you the deal of a lifetime. I give you the little smurf, and the boy, but I take y/n.." he said with an evil smile.
Y/n: "boy?"

Ai waved his hand once more and turned to look at another building.
Ai: "you see y/n, you had helped this boy run away from me, so I can either take y/n and give you these 2 or I keep them all..."
Yuuka and y/n saw that Rika was being held at gun point by 4 masks.
Y/n walked up to Yuuka and gave him a deep kiss, "I'm sorry, I'm not going to have you put my life over theirs."
Y/n: "let them go Ai..."
Ai: "deal."
Yuuka reached over to try to stop y/n but Ai stopped him and pointed at his shirt.
Y/n: "Yuuka there's a laser in you!! Stop Ai, I already agreed to coming with you.."
Ai held his fist in the air signaling to wait.
He signaled a mask and as y/n walked away with Ai, Kuon ran over to Yuuka. Before Kuon could hug him, Ai opened his hand. A gunshot was heard.

Kuons lifeless body hit the ground

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Kuons lifeless body hit the ground.

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