Chapter 28

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Yuri and Yuuka stared at each other in awkward silence.
"This is so embarrassing, didn't I call him hot when I got a glimpse of his face, I just want to crawl in a corner and die .." she thought to herself. Mayu laughed hysterically, "HEY YURI! DIDNT YOU SAY THAT HE WAS HOT?! That it was a crime to hide that face????"

Yuris face was a rainbow, it changed colors so fast from how embarrassed she was. Yuuka rubbed the back of his neck from the second hand embarrassment. "I...I thought you were handsome, not that I was interested or anything... I just.." Yuri said trying to explain herself.
Yuuka: "it's okay Yuri, let's just pretend this conversation never came to light," he said chuckling, trying to make her feel better.
Rika: "let's get back to the task at hand, Yuuka, as your brother, I ask that you back away from Mamoru's plans or I will have to kill you."
Yuuka looked at him with an angered expression, "you know I can't do that Rika..."
Rika: "you stand no chance against me. I'm stronger than any of you now."
Yuri: "what do you mean brother?"
Rika: "I'm an apostle now. My sole purpose is to carry out Mamoru's plans, that being, that he will be God."
Yuuka: "and what lies within him being God? Hm?"
Rika: "he wants to rid the world of evil and the incompetent, creating a new world of intelligent people.."
Mayu: "I guess he carried out his plan already with Kuon..." she thought to herself.
Yuuka: "I guess I'll just have to kill Mamoru, gives me another reason to hunt him."
Rika: "if anything happens to him, I'm here to carry out his plan. And like I said, neither one of you here, stands a chance. I'll take my leave now, don't try anything... I wouldn't recommend it."
Rika left, glancing at Mayu before closing the door.

Yuuka: "y/n saved you, you can't turn your back on her now."
Rika: "my only goal is Mamoru's goal, anything else is pointless, I have no sense of free will as an apostle."
Yuuka and the girls followed Rika up to the roof top. He noticed they were following after him, and started to run, trying to lose them. "I guess I'll just have to kill them all," Rika said to himself. Before crossing the bridge to where Mamoru was hiding with Y/n, he turned around and aimed at Yuuka. He stopped and quickly took aim as well, "you know I can't let you go in there Rika," Yuuka said to him.
Rika: "and you know I have to complete this tas-" before he could finish, a gunshot was heard, Rika catching the bullet before it his his head.
Yuuka: "wow, what incredible speed."
Rika looked in the direction of the bullet.
"You and Mamoru Aikawa are not worthy of being God!" The mask said.
Mask: "I'm here to terminate you and Aikawa."
Yuri: "who—-"
A second mask appeared, "that's the Guardian Angel...". The group looked behind him and saw an emotionless mask there. "I'm sorry for alarming you, I'm not your enemy, I've been tracking this Guardian Angel for a while now," mask 2 said.
Mask 2: "I have no reason to fight you, I'm not an enemy, I'm a prophet."
Yuuka: "a prophet? Whatever this is no time to worry about you, you say you're not an enemy, one wrong move and your dead, got it?"
Prophet: "y-yes, I understand."
Rika, seeing that he had his back against the wall, the guardian Angel and Yuuka both aiming at him, he ran across the bridge. Yuuka wasn't aiming to kill Rika, but the guardian Angel was.
Y/n: "what was that?" She said when she heard the gunshot nearby. Ai made his way to where he had y/n locked up. Y/n looked up when the door opened, "what."
Ai: "damn, why are you giving ME attitude?"
Y/n looked away, "you know why, don't act stupid."
Ai: "baby, you being here is your fault, you left. You had everything here with me. I was making you happy, but now things have to be like this.."
He hit a nerve, "happy... HAPPY?!? You took my memories away! You tried to control me. And prior to being here, you didn't make me happy!! I can't even remember my time with him here. You took that away from me! Those few days that I was with him, I was at peace, I actually felt happy with him. Something you couldn't make me feel in 3 years!"
Y/n knew that saying this would have consequences but she didn't care anymore.
Ai held her neck tight, "say that again you fucking whore. You slept with him behind my back."
Y/n tried to talk while he choked her, "and... I'd ... do... it........ a-again..."
Ai looked at her with anger. "At least he was able to please me in bed unlike you," y/n said. Ai backhanded her.
Y/n held her cheek. Ai had never laid a hand on her, he stood up and backed away in shock.
Ai: "y/n, I'm-"
Y/n: "get away from me Ai, you've done enough."

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