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             Luke's POV

I looked over at the girl in front of me. She kinda reminded me of my girlfriend. Or fiance. I don't really remember what she was. The room was spinning and I was aware of really nothing that I was doing. 

The bright smile on her lips was letting me know that she was enjoying whatever I was about to do. Or we were. I was so confused that I wanted to ask but I didn't wanna be rude. The weird part was that I had no idea if I knew this girl or not.

I took my glass of raspberry vodka from the table. Why the hell did I even buy this shit? My girlfriend used to love it. Or fiance. I don't remember. And I really think I've already said that. But I'm too tired and dizzy to use many words. I may as well repeat them. It's my mind so it's not like anyone would notice anyway. But it's kind of annoying though. I don't even remember what's annoying, I mean really, who would remember what they thought 5 seconds ago?

The light tap on my shoulder brought me back to the loud noise and colored room. The foggy place was already annoying me, but not as much as the person in front. A girl to be more specific. She kinda looked like my girlfriend. Haven't I thought that before? Eh, who cares.

She took my hand and pulled me outside. I was pretty much relieved even though I had no idea where we were going. She got me inside a cab, God knows how, and I closed my eyes. Before I knew it, she was trying to get my ass out of the yellow vehicle.

Her house was huge. She really had a good imagination with all the stuff around. I felt my lips being dragged into an embrace and I guess it was her lips over mine. Wait, was this my babe? Fiance I think, was it?

When the hell did I even get here?  We were in a room which I believed to be hers. My body was dragged after hers towards the bed and in an instance I was on top of her, our lips connected. This was wrong, right? Was I supposed to do this? I was. This was the love of my life. My future wife. I was allowed to do this with her, obviously. 

My hands reached out and pulled off her sparkly dress, leaving only her bra and panties on, which I hardly took off. This was so tiring. Who cares. Shit happens.

She took my clothes off as well and threw them next to hers on the floor. "Co-cno-cond-" My voice was the only sound in the room before her laughs filled the room eagerly. She reached out for a small envelope which I think was purple, but I am not so sure. 

She pulled out something. "I won't even ask cause you are definitely not able to put it on alone" Another round of laughs traveled around my ears.

Her legs wrapped themselves around my waist and my thing got inside something of hers. I couldn't really make out what it was. Thingie? Was that it? My THING?

Her tongue traveling into my mouth was what brought me back to the real events that were going on at the moment. I continued the movements with my lipe in and out of her. 

God, this felt so damn fucking really good. 

I wouldn't stop for the world.

I moved faster and deeper. Was that a destination? Deeper...

Our lips were fighting against eachother in a passionate kiss. Our tongues connected and tangled in a way that was making me jump to another level.

My hands were lost in her wavy and long hazel hair. It was so soft.. 

My movements slowly faded and my body went numb with pleasure. A groan escaped my lips and I came undone inside her. Did I have the thing on my thing? I remember the purple envelope opening. If it even was purple. I was slightly confused about that, it must have been some kind of color.

I got my baby out of her and pulled at the material that was already scratching my sensitive skin. 

"It's my mom! Get out!" She half whispered, half screamed. I instantly put my clothes on and jumped out the window. Good think we were't on a high floor.

I smirked to myself and walked away. Wait. Wasn't she coming? I will probably meet up with her later. We loved eachother so much. My fiance. Was that the word for future wife? I had it stuck in my head the whole night. Fiance. 

Sounds perfect to me. 

As my hand traveled into my jacket pocket, I felt something. Like a box.. I got it out and brought it in front so I could see it. Malboro. Hmm, I sure could use one now. 

I took one and put it between my lips, lit it up and started to smoke it, letting the air escape between my lips every now and then. The taste was perfect for my lungs and mind, satisfying me perfectly right now.

My legs were taking me places I didn't recognize as I lit up another cigarette, smoking it eagerly. 

I wondered what my wife-to-be was doing. Wait, didn't I just leave her house?

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