In memory of Brett Wade Miller.

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My throat chokes up.

The tears comes in a rush.

I dont bother to

stop them,because i know

its impossibsle.

I sob uncontrollably...

I cant stop,

I cant breathe,

I cant see.

I cant see my brother because hes

not here.

Without him,all his things are nothing.

Without him, i will alwayas feel like theres something missing.

They say time heals

all wounds,

But not this one...

At least....

Not yet.

All The Time.

Sometimes miss him,

Sometimes i believe hes not gone,

Sometimes i want him,

Sometimes i need him.

Sometimes i wonder why it was him and not me.

Sometimes i dream hes still here

But when i wake up...hes not.

No matter what, i know where hes at and

I know hes watching over me


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